Valentine’s Day at Heartbreak Hotel ukulele jam

The approach of Valentine’s Day isn’t always welcoming for the heart broken. While lovers dine in restaurants or stroll hand in hand, the jilted and the scorned sit alone, at home, hiding from the rest of the world, mourning love’s labour’s lost, and drowning themselves in love songs that make them cry even more.

On this Valentine’s Day, I decided to do something entirely different. Rather than expecting an invitation to dinner or a card that says “Will you be my Valentine?” I will give a ukulele workshop at 6:30 pm followed by a jam session, to play and sing songs that will break your heart. The workshop helps to prepare newcomers to the ukulele on the basics needed to play the instrument. They are welcome to stay for the jam which begins with easy songs to warm-up at 7:30 pm.

Already my list tops 70 on Spotify. Not all songs sound sad or will make you cry however. Interesting there are several songs about women but none about men. Maybe I should add “Dear John Letter” and “Heartbreak Hotel

Note: I’m also giving a “Beginner’s Basics” workshop for the ukulele on 7 Feb.

Wednesday 14th February 2018 at Walter Baker Artist Lofts in Historic Lower Mills, Boston

Valentine’s break-up songs line-up according to difficulty (this will be shortlisted and produced in a PDF file soon):

RSVP Valentine’s Day Heartbreak Ukulele Jam in Historic Lower Mills

Each jam session will be preceded by a workshop. Next jam themes:

  • Academy Awards (movie songs)
  • St Patrick’s Day (Irish songs)
  • Original songs for the ukulele (Tonight You Belong to Me, Moon Song, etc)
  • Earth Day (songs about conservation, nature, the environment)
  • Mother’s Day

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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2 Responses to Valentine’s Day at Heartbreak Hotel ukulele jam

  1. Pingback: Ukulele: Beginner Basics – Concert Blog

  2. Pingback: Ukulele Workshops & Jam Sessions in Historic Lower Mills –Anne Ku

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