Nine ukulele strum patterns for four beat songs

One of the most often asked questions by my ukulele students is “how do you know which strum pattern to use?”

There are many possibilities which I show in my video. Deciding which is the most appropriate depends on the mood, tempo, genre, and other factors.

For songs that you count 1, 2, 3, 4 there are at least nine types of strum patterns you can use.

To celebrate St Patrick’s Day, I chose the two chord song “Lord of the Dance” as an example. This particular song sheet uses the chords of G and D7. If switching between the two is challenging, try substituting with F and C7 respectively.

  1. Single strum on each chord: downstroke only
  2. Downstroke on each beat
  3. Alternating: D- DU D- DU
  4. Country strum: Thumb on G-string, Down on remaining three strings, Thumb on C-string, Down on remaining two strings. T4, D, T3, D
  5. Country strum: T4, DU, T3, Du
  6. Down Up Wham Up: DUXU
  7. Calypso: D- DU -U DU
  8. Down Up only: DU DU DU DU
  9. Rock n Roll: D ——- uDU

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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