Reinventing myself

About half a year ago my website got hacked. My e-mail address stopped working. My webhost stopped hosting the contents of my site to prevent further attacks to the server. My identity was erased from cyberspace.

It echoed a certain deja vu of Tuesday 11 September 2001. I could have disappeared from the top floor where a risk management conference was taking place. Instead, I watched the twin towers crumble and vanish from our staff meeting room above Penn Station. That week in Manhattan, amidst the uncertainty and chaos, changed the way I viewed life.

Today I decided to rebuild my site on wordpress, just as I try to declutter and simplify my existence in the physical world. In parallel, I must choose what to keep, what to give away, what to throw away, and what to sell.

In reinventing myself for the nth time, I ask the same questions: what is important to me? what have I done? what am I good at? what do I want to do?

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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2 Responses to Reinventing myself

  1. Robert says:

    Great looks babes! Love the content so far! Waaaay to go!

  2. Joan Yap says:

    The ultimate reinventing is ironically re-discovering one’s true self and passions. For years we’ve been conditioned to meet the expectations of our parents and the society. You are exceptionally talented that with each reinventing, you discover something new and excel in that field. I often wonder what else will you do and love following your ventures and exploits. Admire your energy and intellect. Keep it up!

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