Tuesdays with Morrie

By chance I came across a small book in the spiritual self-help section of the Maui Friends of the Library (MFOL) bookstore. The title reminded me of an email from my dad, one of many I had not replied or followed up.

Why was this book so relevant now?

I let the three-dollar book sit on the shelf. Bookstores are a rare sight these days. Let good books stay there, to remind others of their existence.

Instead, I counted myself lucky to find it in the university library catalog. The 200-page worn and weathered paperback arrived within a week.

As faculty, I can borrow the book for six months, but already I can’t tear my eyes off it.

Three hours later with many breaks to wipe my eyes, I finished the book. I also found the TV movie on YouTube. I’ve never been so affected by a book and never so eager to eat it up and yet at the same time reluctant for it to end.


October 19, 2012

Dear Anne,

Have you read of a book entitled “Tuesdays with Morrie”? If not,
please try Google to see its synopsis or summary.

When will your spring break begin? And how long would you stay here?
The weather here is surely nice and comfortable compared with Taiwan’s
summer months which are sultry and hot with typhoons menacing most of
the time. However, by the time you come, the temperature here will be,
I’m sure, colder than that on Maui.

With love from Dad

Author Mitch Albom

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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