Shock via social media

News travels fast on social media, particularly shocking news about death.  Initially it goes like this:

“Have you heard?”

“Did you know?”

I respond, “No. What happened?”

And then I respond, “OMG! It can’t be.”

Soon everyone finds out. Condolences are expressed. But no one really knows the details unless they are revealed.

We yearn to ask questions that seem inappropriate so soon after a death.

“How did he die?”

“Was he alone?”

“Could this have been prevented?”

Ultimately, we are scared because it could have been any of us who knew him.

We’re the same age. We went to the same school. Could this have happened to me? Is this what would happen if I were to die? Who would care?

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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