My girl band, the Lo Lo’s

Once upon a time, five teenage girls formed a band to compete in a talent show at their high school on Okinawa. Their band performed “Our Lips Are Sealed.”

They wore shiny purple blouses and sleek black slacks. They put on dark sunglasses the way movie stars tried to appear incognito. They chewed black Japanese bubble gum until it popped from their purple-stained lips.


In the summer of 2014, Anne the keyboardist visited Karen the bass guitarist in South Carolina. They asked where the other band members had gone. Adrienne, the alto and electric guitarist, had married her high school sweetheart and settled in Texas.  Patty, the soprano and drummer, had disappeared in 1996 under mysterious circumstances. Where was Irene, the other guitarist?

Irene Tomoe Cooper had become an international coach. Fluent in English and Japanese, she jet sets between London and Tokyo, advising clients of love and other wonderful things that life has to offer. In late February 2019, Irene launched a new initiative: daily live video recordings on her Facebook page to share what she has learned about life and living. To fulfil her wish of reaching a million people, she launched a new Facebook Page.

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About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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  1. Pingback: Of guitar quartets and ensemble playing –Anne Ku

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