November 19, 2019 at 16:55 EST
Boston, Massachusetts
I am redoing my website so it’s about what I currently do and want to do in the near future. The PAGE tabs will be deleted. Here is what was on the ENERGY TAB.
I worked in the energy space for a number of years after writing my doctoral thesis on electricity capacity planning under uncertainty. I was curious if post-deregulatory electricity industry actually embraced the sorts of flexibility I imagined valuable. That is, when there is uncertainty, people are reluctant to commit but prefer to collect options. The other approach of rigorous information gathering such as data simulation is limited in dealing with uncertainty.
Hired in London in 1996, I was sent to Houston for 14 months to get trained in Enron’s research group, famous for the Ph.D.s who created mathematical and computer models of innovative energy – financial products. I also spent a few months in the new retail energy group and wrote an internal paper on gaming the electricity markets, based on analysis of the heavily hydro-based power portfolio in Colombia.
A few years later, I moved to the publishing arena first as consultant on electricity and weather data and then as editor of two magazines: Global Energy Business and Energy IT. I wrote cover articles on risk management, weather derivatives, climate change, and other interesting topics.
Fast forward after returning to school full-time to study music and tour as a performer in the Netherlands, I landed a job as project director in the clean energy and transportation space: electric vehicles.

Moderating EV discussion panel Earth Day, UH Maui College, April 2013
Electric vehicles
- EVs to Reduce Dependence on Imported Oil: Challenges and Lessons from Maui, Chapter in book “Electric vehicle business models” (2015)
- Maui EVA Website: newsletters, events, links
- Final management report submitted to Department of Energy, 14 April 2014
- Earth Day 2014, Maui EVA blog, 19 April 2014
- EV for Earth Day, Maui Weekly, 17 April 2014
- Rent an EV for an Extended Test Drive, Maui Weekly, 23 January 2014
- Maui EVA Project Finale, AKAKU TV, Friday November 15th, 2013 (video)
- Charging Your Electric Vehicle Can Be Simple and Inexpensive, Maui Weekly, 7 November 2013
- Many Factors are Reducing EV Costs, Maui Weekly, 24 October 2013
- Electric Vehicle Paradise: how Hawaii can lead the world in deployment, September 2013: Download the 36-page report (2.5 MB PDF)
- Electric Vehicles in Paradise: how to boost the market in Hawaii, Maui Weekly, 12 September 2013
- The Chicken or the Egg? Maui Weekly, 5 September 2013
- Maui College alliance wants island cars to go green, 12 June 2013
- The EV Lifestyle Change, Maui Weekly, 6 June 2013
- The Maui EVA Story, presented at the 1st Sustainability Summit, UH West Oahu, 12 April 2013
- The Electric Drive to Hana, Maui Weekly, 28 March 2013
- The PV to EV Link, Maui Weekly, 7 Feb 2013
- The Cure for Range Anxiety, Maui Weekly, 10 Jan 2013
- MauiEVA TV (13 episodes), Youtube 2012-2013
- EVs in Paradise: Planning for the Development of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure in Maui County, February 2013 (105-page PDF & attachments)
Electricity, risk management, trading
- Risk and flexibility in electricity: introduction to fundamentals and techniques” edited by Anne Ku, published by RiskBooks, hardcover, 241 pages, November 2003, ISBN: 1904339115
- Trading with a small t (EPRM, April 2003) HTML
- That exotic option called power (EPRM December 2002) PDF
- Book Review by Anne Ku: HOBBS, Benjamin F., MEIER, Peter: ” Energy Decisions and the Environment: A Guide to the Use of Multicriteria Methods”(Journal of Energy Literature, December 2002)
- Forecasting to understand uncertainty in electricity prices (Platts Energy Business and Technology, May/June 2002) PDF
- The art of forecasting demand (Global Energy Business, March/April 2002) PDF
- Sinking a lot of money into a black hole: ASP to the rescue (Global Energy Business, Nov/Dec 2001) PDF
- Coming to power: automated deal and product structuring (Global Energy Business, Sept/Oct 2001) PDF
- Thinking thru integration and STP (Energy IT, July/Aug 2001) PDF
- Betting on the weather (Global Energy Business, July/Aug 2001) PDF
- Thinking through integration and STP (Energy IT, July/Aug 2001) PDF
- Volunteering to fight global warming (Global Energy Business, July/Aug 2001) PDF
- How integrated are trading systems? (Global Energy Business, May/June 2001) PDF
- Deal confirmation: weak link in the risk management chain (Global Energy Business, Mar/Apr 2001) PDF
- The state of online power trading (Global Energy Business, Nov/Dec 2000) HTML
- Coping with volatility (Global Energy Business, Sept/Oct 2000) HTML
- Probabilistic Assessment of Timing of Access to US Retail Power Market (INFORMS Conference, San Diego, May 1997) HTML
- Modelling uncertainty in electricity capacity planning,” PhD thesis (London Business School, February 1995) (472-page PDF)

Kihei, Maui