A picture is worth a thousand words

Since 2016, various friends and business contacts, all entrepreneurs by the way, urged me to get on Instagram. I resisted until recently.

Facebook was already very engaging. Why would I tempt myself with something that’s reputedly even more addictive?

Ah! A picture is worth a thousand words. A moving one, ten thousand more! Instagram allows both of these in an instant. It’s intimate. Facebook is getting too crowded.

Reluctantly, I switched on my Instagram account and posted a photo.

Immediate reaction.

I posted a video.

More hearts. More followers.

A sponsored ad appeared out of nowhere. I clicked and signed up for a free webinar about the power of Instagram. The next big thing.

I am nearly sold.

If Instagram is more effective than Facebook in getting the right eyeballs to pay attention to what I want to broadcast to the world, then there’s no time to waste. I must jump on the bandwagon immediately.

However, I have a more pressing problem. My new beginning ukulele courses will start shortly. How do I communicate the following verbiage in pictures? It is a mouthful.

By default, in most cases, to finger chords with your left hand, use your index finger (1) for the first fret, middle finger (2) for second, ring finger (3) for the third. Stick to these fingerings so you can learn the chords quickly and practise switching between chords. Keep the fingernails of your left hand short so you can press the string on the fret with the flesh of your fingers. 

The frets are numbered from 0 (above the nut where the tuning pegs are) to 5 (the first dotted indicator), 7 (the next dotted indicator), and up.

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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