Three Chord Thursdays at Three: 21st Century Pop

Surprisingly, many popular songs in the 21st century require just three chords. Three Chord Thursdays at Three is a song series that has been running online interactively in ZOOM since the pandemic lockdown began, each Thursday at 3 pm EDT. Anyone anywhere in the world is welcome to register and participate, whether actively as a performer or muted to play along.

Register in advance for this one-hour song session on Thursday May 21st, 2020 at 3 pm EDT. You will then receive an e-mail with instructions and link to the ZOOM meeting. Please DO NOT use a previous zoom meeting ID. You’re welcome to enter the zoom meeting anytime you like to set up, chit chat, etc. We start promptly at three with warm-up exercises. Do bring your sunglasses!!!

Unlike three chord songs before the 21st century, these songs venture into chord progressions that don’t necessary follow the usual I-IV-V route. Here are a few we plan to introduce in the one-hour session. Asterisk * indicates it’s not strictly three chords.

You can get the song sheets by googling the song title in quotation marks and “ukulele pdf” or from major websites like (for transposable song sheets). The song sheets will be displayed as a big PDF in “Shared Screen” in the ZOOM meeting.

Please contact me to request and reserve a song you’d like to perform, and the preferred key and format (layout). We aim to optimise our time in zoom so that we can get as many different participants perform as many songs listed below as possible during the one-hour session.

  1. All About That Bass * – Meghan Trainor —->> Michelle (Rhode Island)
  2. Best Day of My Life – American Authors –
  3. Chasing Cars – Snow Patrol —–>> Bruce (Michigan)
  4. Havana – Camila Cabello ——>> Marisa (Massachusetts)
  5. Hey Soul Sister – Train * —–>> Anne (England) (PDF)
  6. Lava – from Pixar’s short movie —–>> Linda (California) — duet with with a male singer?
  7. Just the Way You Are – Bruno Mars (transposable) —
  8. Marry You – Bruno Mars ——>> Rachel (Massachusetts) (PDF)
  9. Party Rock Anthem – LMFAO
  10. Riptide – Vance Joy —–>> Adrienne (Texas)
  11. See You Again – Wiz Khalifa 
  12. Shake It Off – Taylor Swift 
  13. Somebody That I Used to Know * – Gotye (with riffs)
  14. Stay With Me – Sam Smith (with strum pattern
  15. Wake Me Up * – Avicii 
  16. You Belong With Me * – Taylor Swift 

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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  1. Pingback: Three Chord Thursdays at Three –Anne Ku

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