Three Chord Thursday: SEUPMK

If you can only play three chords, what are the Songs Every Ukulele Player Must Know? Or perhaps, what every ukulele player WOULD know. For the Three Chord Thursday @3 pm EDT song session in Zoom on 1st October, 2020, we celebrate the LOVE of ukulele by playing songs every ukulele player must surely know. As usual, register in advance to get the Zoom meeting details and get on the mailing list, unless you have already done so previously.

In addition to playing the following songs, we invite you to share what lights you up about playing the ukulele. Why are you so taken with this little four-stringed instrument? How has playing the ukulele helped you during the pandemic? Share your love of the ukulele in chat during the session or just before you perform. We will have some “air time” to “talk story” — You can also use this special Google Form to write about it. Here’s my story: “have ‘uke will travel.”


2:00 pm Doors open for chit chat, set-up, lighting and sound check. Line-up (order of songs) will be determined.

3:00 pm Official START. Video recording begins. Warm-up (everyone gets muted)

3:05 pm Sunglasses ritual, poll or breakout rooms

3:10 pm Song session starts. Bolded song titles link to song sheets that can be easily transposed on the website.

  1. Tiptoe Through the Tulips – Bruce C. (MI) – (1-page PDF) —>>> (10-page PDF)
  2. Ukulele LadyPat B. (CT) (1-page PDF)
  3. Tonight You Belong to Me – Mike & Emily S. (FL) (1-page PDF)
  4. Iko Iko – Bill B. (TX) (1-page PDF)
  5. RiptideAdrienne (TX), Anne (UK)
  6. Tiny BubblesGlenn Foster (Maui) (1-page PDF in F)
  7. On the Beach at WaikikiMark S. (CA)
  8. Somewhere Over the Rainbow – Iz Version — (Medley) tag/relay ********* line-up on the day
  9. Over the Rainbow (original Judy Garland version) Bruce B. (IT)
  10. You Are My Sunshine ********* line-up on the day for tagging in keys: C, A and G
  11. Happy Birthday – everyone at once, unmuted – at the end —
  12. in C major for Stu; G major for Cindy; C major for Adrienne

4:00 pm The end.

Here is one ukulele player’s account to inspire you to express what lights up your life.

Definitely the ukulele is one of the joys of this pandemic.

I had started to play a few years ago, but then got caught up in life’s persistent activities, and stopped for a while. In January, I joined a weekly community ed class. By March, I was one of the regulars when the class was forced to meet on Zoom. Our teacher hosted a weekly meetup through which I learned about other jam sessions and additional instructors. By a month into quarantine, I was taking three to four classes a week, which led to additional drop-in sessions. I started listening to daily ukulele tips stretched from 5 minutes to nearly an hour, depending upon the presenter. In other words, yes, I am doing something artistic that I wasn’t doing before, and honestly, I think the ukulele is keeping me sane in the chaos of lockdown.

Ukulele is a happy folk instrument played by casual and serious musicians. Many of us had not played a musical instrument before, or not seriously pursued musical experiences. It’s tremendously creative and forgiving. Easier than guitar, the uke has only four strings—and I have four fingers—so a relative beginner can make some nice sounds. Our groups are collaborative. Everyone offers positive suggestions. It’s just plain fun. I’m even arranging some of the songs, writing melody, counter-melody and combining the two.

Even though I have not met any of them in person, my weekly fingerpicking group is my go-to feel good group. We’ve bonded over music and life stages. We truly care for one another. I hope that someday when we are able to once again gather in public, we will actually meet. Because of zoom, our regular groups consist of people from all over the globe.

In lockdown, Australia can be next door. I enjoy an occasional class given by the guy in Albuquerque. One teacher is in England and one of my study partners this week is in Italy. I have new friends in Texas and California…and I’m outside of Boston. That’s the cool thing about Zoom sessions that wouldn’t be possible —nor have even crossed my mind — before Covid.

Before Covid I didn’t take it that seriously. During quarantine, ukulele is my lifeline. I find I can lose myself in the music, and in the camaraderie. I’m smiling at the end of each long ukulele jam session.

By Steffi Aronson Karp, Massachusetts

Three Chord Thursdays are free to join as participant and/or performer. If you’d like to support this weekly song series, here’s a way to donate your spare change into a tip jar for musicians.

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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