Music theory for ukulele

When you learn to play an instrument, you learn how and what to play. If you ask why, then you’d want to take Introduction to Music Theory.

Why do certain chords sound good after one another? Why do certain chords go together in a song?

Why do certain chords go with a melodic line while others sound weird or dissonant?

Why is the Circle of Fifths important and useful?

Why are moveable chord shapes important to learn?

Why is it important to count the beats?

Why should you take a music theory course when there are so many FREE websites, webinars, and video tutorials?

None of these freebies allows you to interact with other participants, get immediate feedback, ask questions and get answers, and most of all, get custom-tailored exercises to improve your understanding of music.

Once you learn how to read music and play on the ukulele, you will be able to notate melodies and do much more with what you know. You will have the vocabulary and the tools to start composing and arranging music.

Learning music theory will give you the music literacy you need to write music. It may even ignite and inspire songwriting!

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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