Three Chord Thursday Chord Melody Arrangements

A chord melody arrangement refers to music that includes both melody and harmony. For ukulele players, it means instrumental ukulele played fingerstyle. We devote our Three Chord Thursday session on March 18th, 2021 at 3 pm ET to performances of this kind.

We always start promptly at 3 pm with a warm-up, followed by our sunglasses ritual, line-up, and up to ten songs performed by volunteers who request to perform beforehand. We record and edit our song sessions to review, learn, remember, and share with the community. Join our new public Facebook Group to get the latest and greatest.

Let’s wear something with stripes — to represent tablature and the staff.

The Line-up

  1. How’s the World Treating You – Sheridan (CA) (VIDEO)[3]
  2. Cluck Old Hen – Sue (CT) [3]
  3. Hard Times Come Again No More – Richard (WA) [5]
  4. Aura Lee (a.k.a. Love Me Tender) – Ginger (MA) [5]
  5. House of the Rising Sun in Am – Jeannie (MA) [6]
  6. Norwegian Wood – Mike (NJ) (in D 1-page PDF) [6]
  7. Annie’s Song in C – Adrienne (TX) (blog post) (1st page only for low G ukulele interlude pdf) (all lyrics, chords 1-page PDF) [8]
  8. La Vie En Rose – Bruce (IT), Beth (MA) (1-page PDF) [10]
  9. Strawberry Fields Forever – Alex (CA) 2-page pdf tablature [10]

Other Suggestions

For ideas, visit the previous Three Chord Thursday Pluck & Strum Songs and watch the Youtube video for that session. Here are some suggestions:


About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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  1. Pingback: Three Chord Thursdays at Three –Anne Ku

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