FREE Taster Workshop: music theory and other upcoming courses in Zoom

Get a taste of how I teach in a 45 minute free workshop in Zoom. If you have an instrument, bring it. Otherwise, it’s not required. Let’s celebrate St Patrick’s Day with a three chord Irish song.

Tuesday 16th March 2021 from 6:00 pm EDT to 6:45 pm EDT

If you can read newspapers, write e-mails, why can’t you read notes and play or sing from them?

Do you need an instrument to be able to read musical notes?

What is music theory? Why would anyone want to study music theory?

Would ukulele players benefit from learning to read notes? Isn’t it easier to read tabs? Is it enough just reading from tablature? How easy is it to learn to read notes if you already know how to read tabs?

What are the building blocks of music?

Most workshops give you the how and what of music. If you start asking WHY questions, you’re ready to take a music theory class.

This 45-minute workshop (in Zoom) will give you a taste of music theory and help you decide if you’re ready (and meet the pre-requisites) to take an 8 week course in Zoom. See a video clip introducing the free workshop.

from “Ride On” a three chord song in Am, F, and G

The new Music Theory Harmony course starts on Tuesday 3/23/2021 from 6 to 7 pm EDT

This 8-week course in Zoom will introduce the building blocks of harmony with application to song. After a brief review of major scales and intervals, we will explore the world of chords which are the basis for harmony, essential for accompaniment, transposition, and modulation. By the end of the course you will be able to

  • Appreciate and understand the application of Circle of Fifths
  • Read key signature
  • Understand why certain chords go with each other
  • Transpose from one key to another (one set of chords to another)
  • Decide which chords are most suitable to accompany a melodic line

To see if you meet the pre-requisite, please take the short diagnostic.

More information about this and other upcoming courses, visit

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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One Response to FREE Taster Workshop: music theory and other upcoming courses in Zoom

  1. Pingback: Three Chord Thursdays at Three –Anne Ku

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