Billie Eilish’s theme song for the latest James Bond movie “No Time to Die” opens with a haunting piano introduction. In the first session of my group piano class in Zoom today, I will give my approach to learning a new song.

Music enthusiasts eager to play it have quickly worked it out on the piano, guitar, and ukulele. Just google “No Time to Die” and you’ll find transcriptions, videos, and other ways of communicating their interpretations of this new song which has a sticky melody, repetitive motif, and a very James Bond last chord.

I found nearly 40 transcriptions on Musescore alone. Here are four transcriptions for the piano:
The ukulele community has already figured out how to replicate it on the ukulele for anyone to sing along to Billie Eilish. UChords has a readable version for both ukulele and guitar.
This song sounds more intimate if fingerpicked (plucked), as this interpreter shows in the video belong. Download the handwritten tabs.
There are also ukulele playalong videos so you can follow the chords and lyrics while playing along.