3 Chord Thurs Hawaiian Theme

To open and welcome the new year in Hawaii on Thursday 6th January 2022, we invite you to share Hawaiian songs or songs about Hawaii. Wear your aloha shirts, mumus, leis, and other colorful, flowery clothes that you’d wear in Hawaii.

To start the new year, we transition to concert-format, so that we can see the performer, his/her hands/fingers, and ukulele on the full screen. This means that eventually we will not be sharing screen or scrolling song sheets. Please check out the links to song sheets below.

Illustration by Eve Myles

Here is a compilation of Hawaiian songs from an in-person song session. Are there others? Here are some suggestions, in alphabetical order:

** Debut in 3 Chord Thursday

C0-host: Paul (HI), Video-indexer: Tricia (MA)

The Line-Up

  1. E Huli Makou – Errol (BC) ** (video) (1-page JPG)
  2. Let’s Talk Dirty in Hawaiian – Bruce (MI) (3-page PDF)
  3. Maui, Hawaii Suppa Man – Paul (HI) (1-page PDF)
  4. Tiny Bubbles in C [5] – Eve (TX) (1-page PDF)
  5. Ukulele Lady – Ken (NY) (1-page PDF)
  6. Wahine Ilikea – Steve (CA) (2-page PDF)
  7. Lovely Hula Hands [6] – Liane (HI), Anne (HI), Paul (HI) (1-page PDF in C) (video)
  8. Love Letters in the Sand – Bruce (IT)
  9. Hawaiian Fingerstyle Medley – Steve (WA) (4-page PDF)
  10. Aloha ‘Oe in F – (1-page PDF in G) – Anne (HI), George Kahumoku Jr, Sam Frampton, Russell Kuamo’o (video)
  11. Hawai’i Aloha [3] – Anne (HI), Gabby (HI) (1-page PDF in F)

Don’t forget to wear your SUNGLASSES!

3 Chord Thursday Hawaiian Theme (edited)

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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