$99 Music Classes in Zoom

The number nine in Chinese sounds exactly like the Chinese word for “long time” as in “Long Time No See” – hao jiu bu jian. It also sounds like the Chinese word for alcohol or wine.

What can you get for US$99 ? One-hour music classes in Zoom over four weeks or four one-hour music classes of different topics.

And then? You can decide if you want to continue, one class at at time for $29 each or $109 for the remaining four classes in that 8-week series.

Eve Myles $99 for four classes illustration
Illustration by Eve Myles

For the PERFORMANCE SERIES on Tuesdays starting 1/25/2022 at 5:30 pm EDT, you also get a harmonica class (to be scheduled) for free. If you just want to take that harmonica class and not anything else, it’s still $99.

The PERFORMANCE SERIES refers to classes that help you become a better performer. Previous classes focussed on how to memorize and other requests by the students in a small focussed group.

For the Winter 2022 season, the PERFORMANCE class will address the following topics:

  1. Request a song to study and perform
  2. Manage nerves and overcome stage fright.
  3. Practice for performance.
  4. Review your performance and improve for the next one.
    1. Get constructive feedback to prepare you for 3 Chord Thursday performance (or elsewhere). 

Register NOW for a class in Zoom. For course descriptions, visit the CLASSES webpage.

Illustration by Eve Myles

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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