Ukulele Jeopardy Winners & Losers

At the last 3 Chord Thursday session in 2021, we played our third ukulele jeopardy game in Zoom. I invited a co-host to help me test the game beforehand and teach the ukulele jeopardy theme tune “Think!” in the beginning of the session while I set up. The winning team received a special prize — and hand-drawn group picture by the Houston-based artist Eve Myles.

2021 Jeopardy Game Winners
Illustration by Eve Myles

The winning team name JABAL at 2,200 points comprised of the first initials of their first names: Jane, Amanda, Bruce, Alex, and Linda. Amanda won a book from Steve (WA). Linda won a harmonica from Ginny (NJ). Bruce Boreham gave a 1-hour workshop on vocal coaching. All members, as a group, received an introduction from Paul (HI), the session co-host, on a musical collaboration video project, with the invitation to work with him.

Jukes, the runner-up team members received a kazoo (each) from Sherri (OR) (who decided to award the runner-up rather than the winning team.)

BEEES, the losing team members elected Rose Marie (KS) to receive the scholarship for an 8-week music class. She chose Music Theory Harmony. Sherri (OR) received a concert ticket from Debbie (HI).

While neither Drips nor Jeld teams won anything, they were invited, along with all other participants in the Ukulele Jeopardy Game, as well as anyone who’s interested, in attending the 3 Chord Thursday workshops on 1/13 and 1/20/2022: song sheet creation workshop of Bruce (MI), harmonica workshop of Paul (HI), physical workout class Busy Bodies of Jen (NJ), and drum/rhythm workshop of Jan (MA).

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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  1. Pingback: 3 Chord Thurs Ukulele Jeopardy Game with prizes – Anne Ku

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