3 Chord Thursday: happy world ukulele day

On the day after World Ukulele Day, we gathered in Zoom for 3 Chord Thursday theme Ukulele All Over the World and posed for the camera with our ukulele T-shirts and sunglasses, a ritual we do after the warm-up.

3 Chord Thursday Ukulele All Over the World 2/3/2022

When asked “what lights you up about playing the ukulele” we received the following responses from the Google Form. You’re welcome to add yours.

I can’t imagine what life during Covid would be like without my ukulele. I spend hours playing it at various Zoom jams and workshops and often wonder what I’d be doing otherwise. I’m thankful for the opportunities it has provided to play this delightful little instrument while meeting people from around the world who share my interest.

I am lit up by the results of relatively little study and practice with a diminutive humble instrument. I have lots of experience with playing piano and French horn and trumpet and guitar, but playing ukulele has connected me with music theory and melody and chords and rhythm and so many lovely songs way beyond what I learned with other instruments. Now I feel confident in leading other players and sharing my experience with music.

Just about anyone can get instant gratification by strumming out a tune on the uke. Because of its accessibility and appeal, it’s a very social instrument. It brings together people of all ages and skill levels (and countries!) to share their love of music and of the uke itself. Sweet, mellow, and just plain fun, the sound of a ukulele puts a smile on every face.

In a bear of a year, only ukulele has made lockdown bearable! Uke has offered a perfect combination of learning something new, creating through music, making new friends, connecting with others, constantly expanding my mind. A total treat!

Gathering with friends and making new friends the past year has sadly curtailed those opportunities. The ukulele is a happy instrument, even blues tunes sound happy when played on the ukulele!

Ukulele music is my therapy to make me smile.

Participants from Session Recording 2/3/2022
Even without sunglasses, we are happy when we have our ukuleles with us.

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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  1. Pingback: Two Chord Songs on Tuesday 2/22/22 at 2 PM EST – Anne Ku

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