3 Chord Thursday: Songs That Tell a Story

On Thursday 12th May 2022, we share songs that tell a story. Have you heard of Irish murder ballads? Country songs that tell tall tales? Folk songs? How do they keep you hooked until the end? As usual, our doors open at 3 pm EDT.

Illustration by Eve Myles

The Line-Up

  1. Charlie on the MTA – Anne (MA), Maureen (MA), Lyn (MA), Errol (BC), Elizabeth, (NS), Susan (NC), Andi (PA), Sherri (OR) (1-page PDF in C) at 4 PM EDT
  2. Long Black Veil in D [3] – Mo ** (WA) (1-page PDF)
  3. Gilligan’s Island [3] – Jen (NJ) (VIDEO)
  4. Barbara Allen [4] – Sahra (QC) (lead sheet in D) (chord melody in F)
  5. “Beep-Beep” [4] – Andi (PA) (4-page PDF)
  6. Pancho Lefty in C [4] – Jeannie (MA) (1-page PDF)
  7. And The Band Played Waltzing Mathilda in G [5] – Paul (GA) (2-page PDF) (VIDEO)
  8. Piano Man (modified to Ukulele Man) in C [6] – Tim (MA) ** (2-page PDF)
  9. The Mary Ellen Carter in G [7] – Bill (ON) (2-page PDF)
  10. American Pie in G [8] – Anne (MA), Adrienne (TX) (get 4-page PDF) (VIDEO)
  11. Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree in F [13] – Steve (MA)

** Debut in 3 Chord Thursday

JP Porchfest, July 2019
Walter Baker Building, Historic Lower Mills (Dorchester), Boston, February 2019


Support 3 Chord Thursday @ 3

How you can keep it going every week and FREE to participate

  • Monetary support: donate any amount you’d like. Amount goes to scholarships for classes and free workshops and other expenses to run this series.
  • Volunteer to index video recordings. (Watch video tutorial).
  • Volunteer to share your screen and scroll the song sheets. (Watch video tutorial)
  • Register to take a music class in Zoom: ukulele, piano, music theory
  • Subscribe to YouTube Channel and get notification of livestreams
  • Share and spread the word: you never know who can benefit from our song sessions

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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