3 Chord Thursday: 1920’s

On Thursday 19th May 2022, we turn back the clock a hundred years to that golden era of 1920’s songs. Just over a year ago, this theme attracted great songs and performers.

Illustration by Eve Myles

We did a poll. Here are the results.

The Line Up

  1. Wildwood Flower in C [3] – Helen (UK) (1-page PDF)
  2. I’m in the Jailhouse now A [4] – Chris (UK) (2-page PDF)
  3. Ukulele Lady (F) [5] – Lyn (CA) (1-page PDF)
  4. 1920’s Medley [8] – Richard (WA), Errol (BC), Laura (PR), Bruce (IT) (2-page PDF)
  5. Mean to Me in F [9] – Nancy (MA) (1-page PNG)
  6. April Showers in C [10] – Rose Marie (KS) (1-page PDF)
  7. I’ll See You in My Dreams [12] – Anne (MA) (1-page PDF)

Support 3 Chord Thursday @ 3

How you can keep it going every week and FREE to participate for everyone

  • Monetary support: donate any amount you’d like. Amount goes to scholarships for classes and free workshops and other expenses to run this series.
  • Volunteer to index video recordings. (Watch video tutorial).
  • Volunteer to share your screen and scroll the song sheets. (Watch video tutorial)
  • Register to take a music class in Zoom: ukulele, piano, music theory
  • Subscribe to YouTube Channel and get notification of livestreams
  • Share and spread the word: you never know who can benefit from our song sessions

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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