On Thursday 30th June 2022, let’s get rocking with songs from our rock-n-roll neighborhood! Which songs can you find in this diagram? If you don’t already know how to find song sheets from given titles, you won’t want to miss this session. Learn how to
- find the best song sheet so you won’t have to re-invent the wheel
- edit song sheets usings the tools you have, change the layout, make it easy to follow
- transpose the song sheet so that you can easily and powerfully sing and accompany yourself
- make your song sheet readable on a shared screen
- personalize your song sheet
Join us before 3 pm EDT (8 pm BST, Noon PDT, 9 am HST) each Thursday because we begin promptly with a warm-up lesson. Don’t forget your sunglasses and ukuleles!

Support 3 Chord Thursday @ 3
How you can keep it going every week and FREE to participate for everyone
- Monetary support: donate any amount you’d like. Amount goes to scholarships for classes and free workshops and other expenses to run this series.
- Volunteer to index video recordings. (Watch video tutorial).
- Volunteer to share your screen and scroll the song sheets. (Watch video tutorial)
- Register to take a music class in Zoom: ukulele, piano, music theory
- Subscribe to YouTube Channel and get notification of livestreams
- Share and spread the word: you never know who can benefit from our song sessions