3 Chord Thursday Collaborations

On Thursday 28th July 2022, we showcase musical collaborations such as duets, trios, and multi-instrumental, multi-location, and multi-party musical projects. Put on your creative hat and create something extraordinary to share, whether as playalong or just a video to appreciate. We also offer the opportunity to “tag” a song, as four songs were UNCLAIMED from previous Thursday.

Collaboration banner by Eve Myles
Illustration by Eve Myles

You can choose any song as long as you collaborate with at least one other person OR you collaborate with yourself on different instruments (or voice parts) or locations.

Many of the video recordings already have lyrics and chords. To optimize the Zoom experience, we will NOT be sharing song sheets with the videos – that is, for those songs with video, only the video will be shared on screen. We will NOT be livestreaming this session.

The Line Up

  1. Waltz Across Texas in G [2] – Dale ** & Janice ** (MA) (1-page PDF) (live)
  2. Tennessee Waltz in F [5] – Jane (MN), Sherri (OR) (1-page PDF) (live)
  3. Act Naturally in G [5] – Paul (GA), Debbie (CA) (2-page PDF) (video)
  4. Don’t Stop Believin’ in G [5] – Anne (MA), Adrienne (TX) (video includes lyrics & chords)
  5. Sisters in F [6] – Lyn (CA), Maureen (MA) (1-page JPG) (live)
  6. Under the Boardwalk in G [6] – Tina (WA), Virginia (ON) (1-page PDF) (video)
  7. Honky Tonk Woman in G [6] – Anne (MA), Emily & Mike (FL) (4-page PDF) (video includes lyrics & chords)
  8. Sweet Caroline in D [7] – Debbie (CA) (2-page PDF one with capo, one without) (video)
  9. Lady Marmalade in Gm [11] – Anne (MA), Adrienne (TX) (video includes lyrics & chords)

** Debut in 3 Chord Thursday

one location, two instruments (xylophone, ukulele), one voice, one person
two locations, guitar, piano, ukulele, two voices (2 people)
one location, piano, ukulele, two voices (2 people)
one location, two ukuleles, one harmonica, two voices (2 people)
one location, three ukuleles, three voices (3 people)
one location, five ukuleles (5 people)
one location, six ukuleles (6 people)


Support 3 Chord Thursday @ 3

How you can keep it going every week and FREE to participate for everyone

  • Monetary support: donate any amount you’d like. Amount goes to scholarships for classes and free workshops and other expenses to run this series.
  • Volunteer to index video recordings. (Watch video tutorial).
  • Volunteer to share your screen and scroll the song sheets. (Watch video tutorial)
  • Register to take a music class in Zoom: ukulele, piano, music theory
  • Subscribe to YouTube Channel and get notification of livestreams
  • Share and spread the word: you never know who can benefit from our song sessions

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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