3 Chord Thursday Play

On Thursday 27th October 2022 we celebrate the end of summer with songs about play or playing. Recall that we started September with songs about work or working. You’ve probably heard of the old saying “all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy” — hence this theme.

And it just so happens that Halloween will soon be upon us. Two years ago we launched our first Halloween theme. Check out the list of songs and who performed them.

Illustration by Eve Myles

What do you consider as “play” ? What do you do for fun and relaxation? Would you pay to play? Perhaps you don’t expect to be paid to do that particular activity that you consider play rather than work. You enjoy it. You love engaging in that activity. Some think of play as their passion or hobby or sports. Fishing. Hunting. Jogging. Yoga. Games. Crafts. Music even.

We will also give you a taste of a new class called “Pluck & Play” during this session, so that you can register for Autumn 2022 classes. We use several books in this class.

Today is the last day 3 Chord Thursday song session is free to join. Since we began this series in early April 2020, we have been completely free for anyone to join. We thank you for your support. From November 2022, you can still join by subscribing to this series. It’s $30 to attend any or all of the remaining five sessions in 2022. Just complete the registration form, choose your payment method, and you’ll receive the new Zoom link after payment is received from 28th October 2022.

Song Suggestions & Line-Up

Video Tutorial extracted from PLAY song session

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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