3 Chord Thursday Spicing up songs with few chords

On Thursday 17th November 2022, we explore different ways to spice up few chord songs (that have two or three or four chords). Have you ever wondered why some people are able to spice up a three chord song? See you before 3 pm EST to start on time with a warm-up lesson and learn some tools to help you spice up such songs.

BONUS! We will be using a compilation of 55 three chord songs (from a bigger list of 99), mainly in the key of C. Click on any song title to go to the song sheet. Click on the bottom corners of any of the 55 song sheets to return to table of contents. Check out the list of songs. ** To get the URL to this 64-page PDF, please subscribe to 3 Chord Thursday.

** What does SUBSCRIBE to 3 Chord Thursday mean? Everyone who is taking a paid music class with Anne Ku in Oct – Dec 2022 automatically receives the Zoom link to access 3 Chord Thursdays. You can also get access by buying two or more books, registering for fitness sessions in Zoom, ordering ukulele, donating prizes to the annual ukulele jeopardy game. Use the Autumn 2022 Registration Form.

Illustration by Eve Myles

The Line-Up

  1. My Grandfather’s Clock – Danno (MA) (1-page PDF in C) (same tune, different lyrics, with non-lexical vocables with link to audio: 2-page PDF of Grandad’s cuspidor). Danno hosts the weekly thematic song session in Zoom called “Show and Tell” (formerly named “Talent Show”) each Saturday at 7 pm EST. Doors open at a quarter to 7. The session ends promptly at 8 pm. Visit Meetup to see the listings and RSVP to get the Zoom link.
  2. Freight Train in C – Paul (GA) (ukulele play along video)
  3. Simple Gifts – Anne (MA) – 2 chord song in keys of C, F, G, and A (3-page PDF)
24 minute video tutorial edited from the 1-hour Zoom session

All sessions will be livestreamed and recorded for review purposes. You can switch off your webcam if you don’t want to be seen. Subscribe to the YouTube Channel to get e-mail notification of the livesream recording. After the session ends, the livestream video will get UNLISTED. Only session participants and YouTube Channel subscribers will have the video link in their e-mails.

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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One Response to 3 Chord Thursday Spicing up songs with few chords

  1. Pingback: Simple Gifts revisited – Anne KuAnne Ku

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