3 Chord Thursday Chinese Zodiac Signs

On Thursday 19th January 2023, we celebrate Chinese New Year of the Rabbit (which falls on Sunday 22nd January) by sharing songs about any of the 12 signs of the Chinese Zodiac or songs in Chinese. We start promptly at 3 pm EST (8 pm GMT) with livestream (recording to YouTube) and a warm-up lesson.

Illustration by Eve Myles

Warm-up Lesson

  1. how to correctly pronounce the Chinese Mandarin lyrics to the 3-chord song HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
  2. practice singing and accompanying this song with different chords
  3. how to figure out someone’s age from the Chinese Zodiac sign and vice versa

To participate in this one-hour session in Zoom, please complete TWO tasks:

  1. Subscribe to 3 Chord Thursday via the Winter 2023 Registration FORM AND
  2. Register in Zoom to get the Zoom link, meeting ID, and password/passcode. Don’t wait until the last minute. Test the Zoom link to make sure it works.

The Line-Up

We always order our songs by increasing number of chords. Today, we order by the Zodiac Signs. Use this new FORM to request a song to perform. Get suggestions from a previous 3 Chord Thursday Animals & Pets Theme.

All sessions will be livestreamed and recorded for review purposes. You can switch off your webcam if you don’t want to be seen. Subscribe to the YouTube Channel to get e-mail notification of the livesream recording. After the session ends, the livestream video will get UNLISTED. Only session participants and YouTube Channel subscribers will have the video link in their e-mails.


About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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