3 Chord Thursday Irish Theme

On Thursday 16th March 2023, we will celebrate beloved songs about Ireland. Wear green else you’ll get pinched — or virtually pinched. Check out the song list and song sheets the previous times we’ve done this: last year (2022), Irish Playlist, 2021, and the song Ride On. Note: Daylight Savings Time: 3 EDT = 7 PM GMT (UK starts a week later) = 9 AM HST (Hawaii does not observe daylight savings)

Irish Theme

To participate, be sure you have subscribed to 3 Chord Thursday to receive the new Zoom link. Request to perform a song via the Song Request Form. We always start promptly at 3 PM EST (8 PM GMT) with a warm-up lesson.

  1. Register in Zoom for the Zoom link – you only need to do it once to get access to the remaining sessions in Winter 2023. But you can register as often as you want to get the Zoom link, meeting ID, and password if you forget.
  2. Register via Google Form to choose your subscription and pay accordingly. Otherwise you won’t get admitted from the Waiting Room.

All sessions will be livestreamed and recorded for review purposes. You can switch off your webcam if you don’t want to be seen. Subscribe to the YouTube Channel to get e-mail notification of the livesream recording. After the session ends, the livestream video will get UNLISTED. Only session participants and YouTube Channel subscribers will get the video link if they opted to receive e-mail notification of new LIVESTREAMS

The Line-Up

  1. How Are Things in Glocca Morra [3] – Ali (CA) (2-page PDF)
  2. You’ll Never Be The Sun in D [3]- Helen (UK) (1-page PDF)
  3. Star of County Down [3] – Chryso (MA) (3-page PDF)
  4. Only Our Rivers Run Free in C – [4] – Chris (UK) (2-page PDF)
  5. Rose is the Red [4] – Debbie (HI) (1-page PDF)
  6. Whiskey in the Jar in G [5] – Henry (UK) ( 3-page PDF)
  7. Whistling Gypsy /Clancy Brothers in G [5] – Janice & Dale (MA) (2-page PDF)
  8. Song for Ireland in C [6] – Annie (PA) (2-page PDF)
  9. From Clare to Here [7] – Hannah (MA)
  10. Danny Boy in C [10] – Bruce (IT)


About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a musician who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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