3 Chord Thursday RIP Burt

Thursday 2nd March 2023 is World Book Day on which we are paying tribute to Burt Bacharach who wrote more than 500 songs, of which 73 topped the charts. The multi-Grammy and Oscar winner passed away on 8 February 2023, leaving a massive musical legacy, including the Oscar winning song Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head. In this one-hour session Zoom, we will open with a short warm-up lesson on how to play this famous tune.

WARNING: Most of Burt Bacharach’s songs require more than three chords to accompany.

SPECIAL WORKSHOP: how to host and co-host in Zoom at 2 PM EST. Join with the 3 Chord Thursday zoom link. We will address the following items and skills:

  • Difference between hosting and co-hosting
  • Why and how to mute
  • How to share screen
  • How to identify Zoom bombers
  • What to do with Zoom bombers
  • Monitoring chat

Sound and sight check at 2:30 PM EST for performers

About Burt Bacharach and His Music

Song Suggestions

How to Participate

To participate in 3 Chord Thursday , follow the two-step process. If you have already registered previously, you can use the same Zoom link. Request a song you’d like to perform via the Song Request Form. We always start promptly at 3 PM EST (8 PM GMT) with a warm-up lesson.

All sessions will be livestreamed and recorded for review purposes. You can switch off your webcam if you don’t want to be seen. Subscribe to the YouTube Channel to get e-mail notification of the livesream recording. After the session ends, the livestream video will get UNLISTED. Only session participants and YouTube Channel subscribers will have the video link in their e-mails.


About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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