Thursday 2nd February 2023 is World Ukulele Day. Last year we celebrated in style. This year, we will do the same. Share songs well-accompanied by the ukulele. Show off your ukulele! Join us in Zoom!

To participate, be sure you have subscribed to 3 Chord Thursday to receive the new Zoom link by filling out the Winter 2023 Registration and the Zoom registration form. You can choose $10 for this session, or pay in advance for the month, season, or even a year pass. We always start promptly at 3 PM EST (8 PM GMT) with a warm-up lesson.
We will warm up with a common chord progression. Here’s an example.
Participants get to choose from the 25-page PDF of curated song sheets. The password to open this song book will be revealed at the Zoom session on 2/2/2023.
All sessions will be livestreamed and recorded for review purposes. You can switch off your webcam if you don’t want to be seen. Subscribe to the YouTube Channel to get e-mail notification of the livesream recording. After the session ends, the livestream video will get UNLISTED. Only session participants and YouTube Channel subscribers will have the video link in their e-mails.