3 Chord Thursday Original Songs

On Thursday 15th June 2023, we invite you to submit and perform your original song, that is, a song you wrote yourself. For copyright reasons, we will not publicly livestream this session but we will still record this 3 Chord Thursday song session for review purposes. You are most welcome to submit a video of your song if you’re not able to perform it live. It’s National Freelancers Day — that’s why!

Illustration by Eve Myls

With only a 24-hour notice, some 20 people participated in a one-hour workshop in Zoom on song writing in mid-April 2023. We took a famous poem and set it to music. If there’s enough interest and time in this 3 Chord Thursday session, we will give a taste of song writing.

Original Music for Low G Ukulele

The Line-Up

  1. Lost Angel in C [2] by Maureen Dooley (MA)
  2. Toute La Nuite in G [2] by Paul Malaspina (GA) (video) (2-page PDF)
  3. Club Car Rag in G [4] by Janice Landis (MA) (chords 1-page PDF)
  4. Push by Bruce Boreham (IT) (video)
  5. “The Letter” a parody in Am [7] by Sandi Atkins (CA) (1-page PDF)
  6. Back in the Day in C [8] by Steffi Karp (MA) (2-page PDF)
  7. Six new pieces selected and performed by Fingerstyle Ukulele Showcase class participants

Don’t forget your sunglasses!

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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