Taster Workshop on song writing and composition

The ukulele culture of sharing songs and sightreading song sheets sometimes leads to writing your own songs. It may start with a famous poem with words that seem to suit a tune whose origins you’re not sure of. Convinced it’s not an existing song, you proceed to turn the poem into a new song — something you can call your own. Alternatively, you may hear a song in your head, so mesmerizing that you have to drop everything to capture that “ear worm” in order to free yourself from it.

How do you “store” your new song so that you can remember it? Communicate it for someone else replicate? Translate the song into “print” for other musicians to interpret and perform it? This one-hour taster workshop demonstrates one approach. FREE TO PARTICIPATE.

Songwriting & Composition Taster Workshop

Learning Objectives

In this one-hour workshop in Zoom, we will set a famous poem to original music. While we aim to cover the following steps, we will not have the time to cover everything or in depth. You will get a taste of what’s involved.

  • identify the time signature
  • determine the (song) form
  • choose the key
  • tweak the melody
  • make it singable (for someone else)
  • vary it to make it interesting
  • decide on the accompaniment
  • harmonize the melody
  • decide on the introduction, interlude (if any), and ending

Workshop Details

Register in Zoom to get the Zoom link

  • Have your instrument (tuned) and ready to use
  • Paper and pencil
  • Manuscript paper (staff paper) if you have it (not necessary if you’ve not notated before)

There are no handouts in advance. You can enter Zoom at any time to test your audio setting and make yourself visible (by directing the light on your face and not on your Zoom device).

This workshop will be recorded for review and educational purposes. It will NOT be publicly livestreamed. You are welcome to ask questions about upcoming music classes.

If you’re unable to attend, please register anyway. Some people have enquired about getting the handout and video recording. These will be made available for a fee to cover administrative costs. Register so that you will get notified.

Join us in 3 Chord Thursday to share your original song!

Anne Ku Taster Workshops

Anne Ku’s previous FREE taster workshops included a 3-chord Irish song, strum on suspended chords, and Ode to Joy for ukulele.

About Anne Ku

“Shortly after I picked up the guitar, my piano teacher gave me exercises in music theory. Writing and singing my own songs was a form of self expression during my teenage years on Okinawa. I did not compose again for several decades. In 2001, I released a CD of solo piano pieces and original songs I wrote while working in Houston and London. Later I used the CD to apply to Utrecht Conservatory, where I eventually earned my music degree in composition.”

Anne Ku will give workshops and sell her books at the Second Nutmeg Ukulele Festival in Simsbury, Connecticut on Saturday 9th September 2023.

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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One Response to Taster Workshop on song writing and composition

  1. Pingback: Ode to Joy for ukulele –Anne Ku

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