3 Chord Thursday Golden Oldies

On Thursday 3rd August 2023, let’s revisit the golden oldies — the most memorable songs of the 50’s and 60’s. We have previously celebrated three sessions of 60’s songs in 3 Chord Thursday but not yet 50’s songs. Elvis Presley had the most number of top hit songs in the fifties. Check out Betty Lou’s List of number one hits in the fifties. RIP Tony Bennett, who sang many of the beloved songs from the fifties and sixties.

Register via this Google Form. We will warm up with a short lesson on the chords in “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” in C major. Read about the background.

Illustration by Eve Myles

Song Suggestions

There are many three chord songs but 3 Chord Thursday is not limited to 3 chords!! We always start with a warm up at 3 pm EDT followed by two poses for a group photo with our sunglasses and ukuleles. Then we announce our line-up. If there’s no request beforehand, we take impromptu requests and line them up. We aim to end an hour later at 4 pm EDT.

The Line Up

  1. The Yellow Rose of Texas C [3] – Maureen (MA) (2-page PDF)
  2. A Teenager in Love [5] – Rose Marie (KS)
  3. Lonely Boy – Paul Anka in G [6] – Janice (MA)
  4. Because of You [9] – Susan (MD) (1-page PDF)
  5. I Left My Heart in San Francisco in C [27] – Anne (MA) (2-page song sheet in G) (1-page song sheet in C) (1-page lead sheet in C) (ukulele play along video – see blog post)
  6. Fly Me to the Moon in Em – Bruce & Kristien (IT) (2-page PDF)
  7. Downtown in C – Debbie (HI)
Play Along to this version starts in C major, modulates up a half step to C# major

Don’t forget your sunglasses!

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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One Response to 3 Chord Thursday Golden Oldies

  1. Pingback: I Left My Heart in San Francisco for Ukulele Play Along –Anne Ku

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