Canon for a Wedding

Why did Pachelbel write the Canon in D? He was an organist not a violinist. Yet he wrote the Canon and the Gigue for three violins, later accompanied by basso continuo (e.g. harpsichord, lute, or cello). One speculation is that he wrote the pieces for a special occasion: the wedding of his student Johann Christoph Bach, the older brother of the famous Johann Sebastian.

The wedding date was 23 October 1694. On this auspicious day Johann Christoph Bach (1671 – 1721) married Dorothea von Hof.

We met on Monday 23rd October 2023 to celebrate the birth of Pachelbel’s Canon with a deep dive into the correct fingering and fingerpicking technique to produce the best tone from your ukulele and make the Canon sound beautiful for a wedding.

Pachelbel Canon Wedding Workshop
Monday 23rd October 2023 at Noon EDT


This was a wonderful workshop on Pachelbel’s Canon, which encouraged participation as well as giving great information on fingerpicking, strumming, chord melody, and inverted chords- the whole package! Plus Anne, with her infectious personality and warmth made it very fun!
Lyn (Massachusetts)

I attended this workshop and found that the detailed practice with Anne leading was very helpful because she had time to really go through the various ways to play each section, including block chords, arpeggios, and chord melody. I highly recommend this workshop.
Vicki (Montana)

I enjoyed it and learned a lot.
Mary Ann (New Hampshire)

Anne’s “Canon for a wedding workshop” was a valuable way to review Pachelbel’s canon for uke players. I had attended one of the earlier workshop in the series and ordered Anne’s arrangement and uke exercises. These were very helpful for review and practice, as well as for understanding the concepts demonstrated. Playing along was fun. If you’re a uke player who in interested in learning about Pachelbel and how to play the beginning of his most famous composition, I recommend this course.
Steve (Massachusetts)

Great workshop, What I liked about it was that it was fun and interactive. I had a chance to meet someone in the breakout room that I never met in zoom before. We were able to talk about playing the ʻukulele. I also found out where she got her ʻukulele while she was on Maui because I live on Maui and pretty much know where all the music stores are.
Debbie (Hawai’i)

Illustration by Eve Myles

Although not necessary, it’s highly advised that you have the 4-page ukulele arrangement in advance so that you can follow and prepare for the workshop. The sheet music will mostly NOT be shared on screen to allow close-up of the fingers and ukulele. Visit the Pachebel Birthday Party blog post to read more.

Since our first workshop on 1st September 2023, introducing Pachelbel’s Canon and the 8-bar chord progression, we’ve met again twice for the Pachelbel Medley. Visit these webpages to see the testimonials. The Canon will be our fifth and final free workshop. If you’re interested in studying further, please join Ukulele Bootcamp and/or Songwriting Courses in Zoom.

The ukulele arrangement is for low G ukulele, for three skill levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced. The Pachelbel Ukulele Bundle shown below is a compilation of individual handouts. Use this Google Form to order. Handouts, access to video, etc will be e-mailed to you within 24 hours of receiving your payment.

The Zoom session will be recorded and indexed, not for public viewing. It can be ordered for review, replay, and play along after the workshop.

Roman Numerals in Mosaic – what do they mean?
Skill level I: beginner
Skill level II: intermediate
Skill level III: advanced
Bi-directionally Hyperlinked 16-page PDF

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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  1. Pingback: Pachelbel Medley (FREE workshop in Zoom) –Anne Ku

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