Songwriting Course

Whether you are already writing songs or you’re curious about the process, join us on an 8-week journey in Zoom. Engage with other music lovers and learn the craft of composition. It’s the first and newest course of its kind! Read more about it.

1st Tuesday on 31st October 2023 (with minimum enrolment of 6)
19:00 CET (Venice, Italy time)
18:00 GMT (UK time)
2:00 PM EDT (East Coast USA)
11:00 AM PDT (West Coast USA)
8:00 AM HST (Hawai’i)

Tuesdays 11/7/2023, 11/14, break*, 11/28, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19
20:00 CET (Venice, Italy time)
19:00 GMT (UK time)
2:00 PM EST (East Coast USA)
11:00 AM PST (West Coast USA)
9:00 AM HST (Hawai’i)

Songwriting Fall 2023

The free songwriting and composition workshop in Spring 2023 gave one approach to writing a song. In this eight-week course, you will learn another approach and finish an entire song of your own.

As with previous co-taught courses, you will have individual time with one teacher (in a breakout room) while others are in the main room of Zoom in a group class. This is “two for the price of one” effectively.

Course Information

8 Tuesdays 10/31, 11/7, 11/14, break*, 11/28, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19

*teaching break but we still meet to study

  • 20:00 – 21:00 CES (Venice, Italy)
  • 19:00 – 20:00 BST (United Kingdom)
  • 2 – 3 pm EDT or EST (East Coast USA)
  • 8 – 9 am HST (Hawaii) (9 to 10 am after Daylight Savings clock change)

US$250 or equivalent. Covers all instruction material and video recordings.

Register via the Google Form. Pay by Zelle, Venmo, Paypal, Cheque, Amazon Gift Card, or other arrangement.

About the Instructors

Anne Ku and Bruce Boreham have developed and co-taught three kinds of 8-week courses in Zoom: Hum & Strum, Voice Over Uke, and Italian Voice over Uke.

Based in Venice, Italy, Bruce Boreham has trained with Bobby McFerrin, Jay Clayton and the Swingle Singers. He taught for 25 years at the University of Venice, initially English as a Second Language, then Screenwriting. He has sung as the lead singer in bands and choirs performing gospel, progressive rock, swing, and modern opera. He has composed the original music and lyrics for several of these music groups. He will share his ten-step process to writing a song in this new course.

Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Anne Ku has developed new ukulele curricum in two books “UkuGlobal’s Happy Helpful Guide to the Ukulele” and “Fun with Uke: 24 Nursery Rhymes with Illustration.” She earned her Bachelor of Music degree in Composition and Teaching Diploma in Piano from Utrecht Conservatory in the Netherlands and Master of Arts in Music from The Open University in the UK. Prior to teaching the ukulele, piano, and music theory in Zoom, she taught music and mathematics at University of Hawai’i Maui College.


Bruce was our voice coach and he identified my personal issues in our private breakout session.  His “one on one” coaching was extraordinary for improving and building singing confidence. At the end of the course, everyone showed improvement and helped to build a supportive and fun camaraderie.

Anne is a seasoned and skilled music teacher and uses the medium of Zoom well to provide expert and inspiring ukulele tuition. And as if that wasn’t enough, you’ll get to meet and work with a small bunch of lovely people from different parts of the world (and maybe even make a new permanent friend or two!)

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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2 Responses to Songwriting Course

  1. Pingback: Write your own song –Anne Ku

  2. Pingback: Music theory for ukulele –Anne Ku

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