Write your own song

Have you ever dreamed of writing your own song?

Not a re-make of someone else’s, but your original lyrics set to music, your idea. Or a tune that’s been going around your head that you want to put into words…

It’s not as far-fetched as some would have you think.

Illustration by Eve Myles

You CAN write a song, even if you’re not a professional musician and you know next to nothing about music theory: you just need to know how it works, and have a few good ideas.

And while every new song is unique by definition, there is a method for bringing out your originality so you can tell your own story, the way you see the world.

But don’t wait forever to follow your dream. Right now there is an opportunity to learn how to
write a song from two diverse talents, worlds apart in their musical experience:

  • Anne Ku, classically trained pianist and ukulele mentor; and
  • Bruce Boreham, professional singer and songwriter.

They will lead you in a safe, small group, on a journey to discover the songwriter within you!

Are you ready? No prerequisites to taking this Songwriting Course in Zoom.

Long ago, a songwriter once said: “All you need to write a song is three chords and the truth.”

Can you afford to miss this chance to do so?


There’s still time to register. Contact us to get the video recording of the one-hour information session if you’d like to review it.

8 Tuesdays from 2 to 3 pm Eastern Time

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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  1. Pingback: Songwriting Course –Anne Ku

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