3 Chord Thursday: Pop Music Charts

Our first session of the year fell on Thursday 4th January 2024 which is Pop Music Chart Day. Seriously! It’s the first time we held the song session of 3 Chord Thursday WITHOUT a webpage or an advance notice of a line-up. This one-hour gathering was a hybrid session, with five people participating in-person and twelve in Zoom. Use Betty Lou Music website to find the songs listed on the charts. You can tranpose the song sheets, too! 

Illustration by Eve Myles

The Line-up

Warm-up lesson: tips on tuning your ukulele AND cycle through 7th chords counterclockwise on the Circle of Fifths

Group photo pose with sunglasses and ukuleles

  1. Battle of New Orleans in C [3]- Paul (GA) – #1 Billboard Hit in 1959 (1-page PDF) (play along video)
  2. Yellow in G [5] – Boni-esther (MA) (1-page PDF) Coldplay landed at number 4 on the official singles chart in 2000. It was the most streamed throwback song on Global Spotify in 2023
  3. UKULELE MAN (= Piano Man) in C [6] – Bruce (IT) – Billy Joel’s first major hit and signature song peaked at number 25 in US Billboard Charts in April 1974 – song sheet

There are many three chord songs but 3 Chord Thursday is not limited to 3 chords!! We always start with a warm up at 3 pm EST followed by two poses for a group photo with our sunglasses and ukuleles. Then we announce our line-up. If there’s no request beforehand, we take impromptu requests and line them up. We aim to end an hour later at 4 pm EST.

After this session, there’s a one-hour workshop on Auld Lang Syne, free participation for owners of “Fun with Uke” Book – both in Zoom and in-person. Those who join in-person are invited to share an early dinner at a nearby restaurant in Historic Lower Mills, famous for the oldest successful chocolate factory in America.

Next session: Thursday 18th January 2023 National Thesaurus Day

What time do we meet?

  • 21:00 CET (Venice, Italy)
  • 20:00 GMT (UK)
  • 3:00 PM EST (East Coast USA)
  • Noon PST (West Coast USA)
  • 10:00 AM HST (Hawaii)

Don’t forget your sunglasses!

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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