3 Chord Thursday Thesaurus

It’s National Thesaurus Day on Thursday 18th January 2024! This is a special day for those who love WORDS. We celebrate the theme of THESAURUS in 3 Chord Thursday with a lot of imagination. Is Thesaurus the last dinosaur? Can you think of songs with BIG, BEAUTIFUL words? Songs that use synonyms? Or can you accompany the verses and refrains of a single song DIFFERENTLY? How about songs about words?

We invite you to JOIN us in-person in Boston, Massachusetts or in Zoom at 3 PM EST. If you’re in a learning mode, join us after this one-hour song session for the hybrid one-hour workshop on Auld Lang Syne at 4:30 PM EST (open to Fun with Uke Book owners & 3 Chord Thursday Annual Pass holders).

Illustration by Eve Myles

The Line-Up

  1. Wonderful World in C [4] Susan (MD) (1-page PDF)
  2. I See the Moon, the Moon sees me in C [4] – Boni-esther (MA) (1-page PDF)
  3. Stealin’ in G [7] – Chryso (MA) (1-page PDF)
  4. Auld Lang Syne in G, C, F[3 to 7 chords] – Anne (MA) & team

Song Suggestions (in alphabetical order by title)

After this session, there’s a one-hour workshop on Auld Lang Syne, free participation for owners of “Fun with Uke” Book and 3 Chord Thursday Annual Pass holders (hybrid) both in Zoom and in-person. Those who join in-person are invited to share an early dinner at a nearby restaurant in Historic Lower Mills, famous for the oldest successful chocolate factory in America. The focus will be on sightreading tablature arrangements for the ukulele.

Next session: Thursday 1st February 2023 World Ukulele Day (followed by workshop on the Hawaiian vamp in Hawaiian songs)

What time do we meet?

  • 21:00 CET (Venice, Italy)
  • 20:00 GMT (UK)
  • 3:00 PM EST (East Coast USA)
  • Noon PST (West Coast USA)
  • 10:00 AM HST (Hawaii)

There are many three chord songs but 3 Chord Thursday is not limited to 3 chords!! We always start with a warm up at 3 pm EST followed by two poses for a group photo with our sunglasses and ukuleles. Then we announce our line-up. If there’s no request beforehand, we take impromptu requests and line them up. We aim to end an hour later at 4 pm EST.

Don’t forget your sunglasses!

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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One Response to 3 Chord Thursday Thesaurus

  1. Pingback: Auld Lang Syne (hybrid one-hour workshop) –Anne Ku

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