What’s the strum pattern? If you’re asking this question, you’d be interested in the new Ukulele Accompaniment Course in Zoom. Get introduced to rhythmic patterns for different kinds of songs and occasions.

Eight one-hour class sessions in Zoom spread over ten weeks with two breaks, at 7 PM EST (or EDT) as follows (updated on 2/6/2024):
- Wednesday 1/24/24 at 7 PM EST Overview of the course
- Wednesday 1/31/24
- Tuesday 2/6/24 Introduction to student song requests (song sheets, video recordings)
- 2/14/24 Valentine’s Day BREAK
- Wednesday 2/21/24
- Tuesday 2/27/24
- Tuesday 3/5/24
- Tuesday 3/12/24 at 7 PM EDT
- Tuesday 3/19/24 Last class – review and share
What you will learn
- What it means to accompany a song, for yourself or others
- The elements of accompaniment: rhythm, tempo, style, time signature, dynamics, accents, …
- Different strokes for different folks: effective and efficient strum execution
- Strum patterns – the 20% you need to accompany 80% of all songs
- Fingerpicking accompaniments: arpeggio, Travis, alberti, ….
- Combining fingerpicking and strumming, including left-hand techniques for flair
- Application to selective (and requested) songs
- Can tune your ukulele
- Can read chord diagrams and finger / switch between chords
- Can play the basic down stroke and up stroke
- Can commit to attending 7 out of 8 one-hour class sessions
- Commit to practising and doing the homework
Testimonials from Ukulele Bootcamp Fall 2023
“Thank you!” for being one of the only ukulele people I’ve run into that teaches people to transpose songs to a key that fits their voice. – Pennsylvania
A range of exercises that equip you to take on any song you choose and make it your own through transposing chords, determining the starting note and choosing the best strum pattern based on the time signature. – New Jersey
This class will make you feel more confident in your ukulele skills, as well as make you a better collaborator with other musicians. Anne’s preparation and follow-up gives students all they need to take their uke playing to the next level. – New Jersey
This course and Anne’s exceptional teaching skills helped me address many less than helpful habits playing ukulele that I had picked up on my own. I appreciated addressing strumming, changing chords more artfully, peppering in music theory, and the time to watch instructional advice offered to classmates as well as myself. The materials were all helpful and clear and Anne generously provides many use-in-the-future tools! My field is teacher education, and I would afford Anne a 4.0/A+ and gladly write her a letter of recommendation! – Massachusetts
I benefited from Anne’s patience when she gave me individual feedback during breakout sessions. I also gained confidence when Anne called me out to perform a particular exercise during class and suggested improvements afterwards. – New Jersey
Register for the course
Register via the Google Form as soon as you can to join us on Wednesday 1/24/24 at 7 PM EST in Zoom for the Winter 2024 Season.
The tuition fee includes all handouts and class video recordings. The 8-week course will also include individual diagnostic and instruction time in a breakout room for private feedback.
Tuition discount for 3 Chord Thursday Annual Pass holders.