Leap Year Special 2024

Do something unusual and extraordinary on Thursday 29th February 2024. Leap year occurs once every four years, even less frequently than a blue moon. Tune into my YouTube Channel to see livestream videos of the sunset on Maui and jam session.

Live Stream on YouTube for Sunset and Jam Session (Ukulele & Hula Dancing)

The sun sets at 6:30 PM HST. The warm-up to the 808 Uke Jams starts at that time, too. But the sunset lasts awhile, so I will situate myself to film both.

To play along to the songs, download the 163-page song book (PDF) in advance. Kumu Keoloha will announce the song title and page number.

6:30 PM HST Warm-up (last Thursday’s video) (LEAP YEAR)

7:00 PM HST Start of the first half (LEAP YEAR)

Break (13-year old boy performs two songs)

8:30 PM HST the end (last Thursday’s last song) (LEAP YEAR)

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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