Wanted: ukulele players for guitar orchestra

The New England Guitar Orchestra invites ukulele players to join us this season. The unique characteristic of the ukulele makes a huge difference to the overall sound. Three hour rehearsals (with break) are scheduled for Saturday mornings 6/1, 6/15, and 6/22 at 10 AM in Boston. Concert is Friday 28th June 2024 at the Annual Boston Guitarfest.

Bonus: Membership dues are waived for this season.

If you can play from the above scores (from our upcoming concert programme) and available on Saturday mornings for rehearsals, please contact the guitar orchestra via our Facebook Group or e-mail Anne Ku.

Rehearsal location:
Walter Baker Building, 1231 Adams Street, Boston, MA 02124. Free street parking. Short walking distance to Milton T-station (Red Line). Members come from all over the states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.

Our most recent concert – February 2024
Rehearsal in the Common Room of the Walter Baker Building in Boston, Massachusetts
Little Fugue, arranged by R. Bekkers for guitar orchestra (including ukulele)

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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