3 Chord Thursday Colorado Songs of John Denver

Thursday 1st August 2024 is Colorado Day. We celebrate with the songs of John Denver, who recorded some 300 songs, of which 200 were his originals. Here are lists of his songs with links to song sheets: Doctor Uke and Ozbcoz (transposable) and one more. Join us in Zoom to share and appreciate the songs of John Denver.

Warm-up lesson at 3 PM EDT: fingerpicking patterns of John Denver

Illustration by Eve Myles

The Line-Up

  1. Take Me Home Country Roads in F [5] – Sheridan (CA) (1-page PDF)
  2. Annie’s Song in D [8] – Bruce (IT) (2-page PDF)
  3. Calypso in G [10] – Anne & Adrienne (5-page PDF) (play along video)
  4. Perhaps Love in C [7] – Ali (CA)
  5. Leavin’ on a Jet Plane in G [4] – Bruce, Ali, Anne

Song Suggestions

Listed in alphabetical order by song title, songs written by John Denver with the number in brackets refer to the number of chords. Bolded song title links to song sheets that can be transposed into any key.

What time do we meet?

  • 21:00 CEST (Venice, Italy)
  • 20:00 BST (UK)
  • 3:00 PM EDT (East Coast USA)
  • Noon PDT (West Coast USA)
  • 9:00 AM HST (Hawaii)

There are many three chord songs but 3 Chord Thursday is not limited to 3 chords!! We always start with a warm up at 3 pm EDT followed by two poses for a group photo with our sunglasses and ukuleles. Then we announce our line-up. If there’s no request beforehand, we take impromptu requests and line them up. We aim to end an hour later at 4 pm EST.

Don’t forget your sunglasses!

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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