Chopin Waltz in A minor for low G ukulele

Upon seeing a reduced version of Chopin’s Waltz in A minor for easy piano, I couldn’t get the tune out of my head. It’s one of many posthumous pieces that sound beautiful on the piano. Is it possible to play it on the ukulele? With so many octaves, only the low G ukulele offers a chance. And still, the range on this instrument is insufficient. How can I compromise to play this Chopin Waltz on the low G ukulele?

Waltz in A minor by Chopin transcribed to the low G ukulele with some compromises
original key of A minor on the low G ukulele

The key of A minor is lovely to play on the piano and the ukulele. With no sharps or flats to obstruct, the fingers glide easily over the white keys on the piano. On the ukulele, the chords in A minor are easy to play.

This would make a lovely duet.

Original waltz in A minor for piano by Chopin
Original piano score is also in the key of A minor

Change the registers

Yet beyond an octave we need to play in higher positions on the ukulele. The further “up the neck” you go on the ukulele and the guitar, the smaller the fret spacing.

One way to overcome this is to change the music. Bring down higher registers to a lower octave.

One of the interesting characteristics of this lovely piano piece is the transition from A minor to A major.

Chopin's waltz in A minor moves to A major shown on low G ukulele
The shift to A major during the piece

Transpose to another key

Another way is to transpose to a more “friendly” key. The key of A minor is already the friendliest. However, the key of C minor will make it more feasible on the ukulele. The only drawback is that the chords are much more challenging in the key of C minor.

Transpose the waltz to C minor makes it more feasible on the low G ukulele (to include all the notes)

Music requests

Request for the music arranged or composed by Anne Ku from the list of Daily Music Writing Project. Please be specific (i.e. indicate lead sheet, chord melody arrangement, high G or low G, and the key). See request & feedback form for details.

About Anne Ku

Anne Ku is a composer who teaches the ukulele and piano.
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