The 100 Days Ukulele Project invites you to document 100 consecutive days of doing something with the ukulele. At the extreme, you can record 100 videos of yourself playing 100 different pieces. At the minimum, you can post a picture of you and your ukulele. The project is about committing yourself to play the ukulele. Does writing new music for the ukulele count? What about practising every day for 100 consecutive days?

Having completed my first 100 Days of Ukulele Project in 2022, I learned that it’s very important to plan ahead. I decided to give each day of the week a category or theme to help me choose which pieces to study and record (in advance).

I then set about collecting titles, song sheets and sheet music.
When I began the project, I was still on Maui. Can you tell on which date I left and returned to Boston?
To ensure I didn’t wear the same outfit, I included what I wore on my spreadsheet.

As I learned from my participation in 2022, I was a batch processor. I was more effective and efficient when I scheduled practising many pieces over several days and then recording them all in one day, than studying and recording a new piece every single day.
Setting up to video record took time and space. Having a designated space to practice and record was not only a luxury but also non-existent in my living space. Having natural light was also important for recording.
Having fast and reliable access to the Internet was critical. Posting on Facebook, uploading video recordings to YouTube, and accessing online song sheets all required the Internet.
Because I was going on a week long cruise with little or no Internet access in April, I had to either record in advance or after the trip. I had to plan ahead.

This year I plan to record my own arrangements and compositions.
Once again, I plan to include a variety of instrumentation: ukulele solo, duet, with piano, guitar, organ, with voice, etc.
The 100 Days of Ukulele 2025 Project will start on 1st March 2025. I am getting ready.
By the time I reached the end of the project, I was already halfway through another challenge: fundraising for the American Red Cross by swimming 15 miles in June. I started the fundraiser before I knew where I could swim. Outdoor public pools were still closed.
Read this FAQ to find out more about the 100 Days of Ukulele 2025 project.
This sounds really great! I only play baritone though, egbe. I assume that this will only be for standard ukulele tuning. Am I right?
Thanks! Correct – my pieces are all for GCEA tuning. There’s a way to easily transpose from standard tuning GCEA to Baritone tuning.