
Anne Ku hosts the thematic song session 3 Chord Thursday AND the monthly meetup of Ukulele Instructors International, both in Zoom. Prior to her current capacity as instructor of ukulele, piano, and music theory and church organist, she hosted the following series in which she interviewed experts to educate and share insight with her audiences.


ANNE KU caricature by Eve Myles

Born in Brunei and raised in Taiwan and Okinawa, Anne Ku played the piano in bands and accompanied choirs, eventually serving as chief organist at two churches on Kadena Air Base. She won a full scholarship to Duke University where she gave her senior recital of selected music of French composers, though she did not major in music.

After working in London, Singapore, and Houston in non-music fields, she enrolled as a full-time student in a four-year music degree program at Utrecht Conservatory in the Netherlands, earning a Bachelor of Music honors degree in composition and a teaching diploma in piano (on sightreading). During and after her studies, she performed widely as a chamber musician in duos with classical guitar, French horn, and cello.

She taught music (class piano, music theory, music history, world music, and instrumental ensemble) at the University of Hawaii Maui College where she was introduced to the ukulele.

After leaving Maui, Anne wrote her MA in Music thesis on ukulele song sheets and participative music making before settling in Boston where she started a ukulele club.

Anne believes that the ukulele is the fastest way to making music and staying connected. She hosts 3 Chord Thursday, a song session in Zoom she founded at the beginning of the pandemic lockdown, reaching more than 3,900 members on Facebook and a monthly meet-up for Ukulele Instructors International, a private Facebook Group for anyone who teaches the ukulele.

Having written two books for beginner ukulele players, she is now focussing on publishing more books of her arrangements. Book Order Form.

Anne is a member of the New England Guitar Orchestra (formerly the Boston Guitar Orchestra) and the Boston Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.

March 2024

Teaching appearances

Ukulele festivals:

  • Nutmeg Ukulele Festival, Simsbury, Connecticut (September 2024)
  • Watertown Kids Ukulele Festival, Watertown, Massachusetts (July 2024)
  • Port Townsend Ukulele Festival (virtual, September 2020)
  • UkuGlobal Ukulele Festival (virtual, July 2020)
  • Mountain Ukulele, White Mountains, New Hampshire (July 2019)
  • Ukulele Melee, Hamilton, Massachusetts (May 2019)
  • Somerlele, Somerville, Massachusetts (May 2019)
  • Ukulele Melee, Hamilton, Massachusetts (April 2018)

Educational establishments:

  • Passim School of Music (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
  • Milton Adult Education (Milton, Massachusetts)
  • Cambridge Center for Adult Education (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
  • Arlington Community Education (Arlington, Massachusetts)
  • University of Hawaii Maui College (Maui, Hawaii)
  • Webster University (Leiden, The Netherlands)
  • Thames Valley University (London, UK)
  • SAE College (London, UK)

Non-educational institutions:

Publications & Interviews

self-published ukulele books – hard-copies will be on Amazon

Happy Helpful Guide to the Ukulele” published in 2020 by UkuGlobal. The 110-page book is accompanied by a video tutorial for each of the 10-steps.

Fun with Uke Book, festive edition. 8 easiest songs from one to four chords.

Fun with Uke Book, original illustrations and arrangements of 24 children’s songs based on nursery rhymes. Available as bi-directionally hyperlinked 82-page PDF.

Interview with the amazing multi instrumentalist and ukulele teacher Anne Ku by Paul Mansell, classical guitarist, ukulele teacher, and author, based in England – May 2019.

Featured in “50 Ordinary Women (doing extraordinary things)” – interview by Cathy Shefski, November 2014

Call for Scores: Piano Duets from Hawaii to Holland
a grassroots initiative to introduce pianists to new music of living composers
, presented at Arts & Humanities Conference, Honolulu, January 2012

Follow Anne on Facebook. Connect on Linkedin. Subscribe to Anne’s Youtube Channel. Follow on Twitter. Follow on Instagram.

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