All registered students are encouraged to attend and perform on our virtual stage:
3 Chord Thursday. Each session is livestreamed and recorded for review, to play along for practice and improvement.
6-week course (in-person), Boston Public Library Honan-Allston Branch
6 consecutive Wednesday evenings from 16th April to 21st May 2025 6:30 – 7:30 PM EDT
Free to participants who commit to the six consecutive weeks. Sign up. Show up. Set up. Practice. The library provides the music stands and “Fun with Uke” book; and your own ukulele that you can borrow with your library card. Contact the librarian to register.
Ukulele workshop in the coastal town of Cohasset, Massachusetts
Sunday 9th February 2025 from 2 to 4 PM EST. Free to participants.
In-person only. Free parking. Details here.
World Ukulele Day Workshops in Zoom
Sunday 2/2/2025 at 2 PM EST and HST. FREE.
Daily Music Writing Project – no 8-week courses in Zoom until further notice
FALL 2024
FREE TASTER WORKSHOPS IN ZOOM: 9th and 11th October 2024
Order new Ukulele Exercise books via this Form.
- UKULELE FALL 2024 Wednesdays from 4 PM in Zoom / in-person followed by Zoom sessionat 5 PM EDT (hybrid). SIX required + TWO optional = 8 classes.
- PIANO FALL 2024 Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:50 PM EDT in Zoom. 6 classes.

Get on the Ukulele Enthusiast e-blast to be the first to get notified of workshops and courses. Take a peek at what we do in the group classes in this new blog post.
Hybrid Workshops in 2024
Hybrid means in-person and in Zoom. These one-hour workshops are offered after 3 Chord Thursday sessions and start promptly at 4:30 PM EST unless otherwise specified.
- Holiday Songs Workshop (12/19/2024 at 1:30 PM EST in-person only)
- Moon Over the Ruined Castle (10/17/2024)
- Auld Lang Syne (four workshops in 2024)
- The Hawaiian Vamp in Hawaiian Songs (2/1, 3/7/2024 Zoom only)
- Ode to Joy workshop (6/6/2024)
- Happy Birthday (4/4/2024 Zoom only)

Ukulele Bootcamp
This is the class that will get you to improve your rhythm and timing, practice different strokes and strum patterns, build your chord vocabulary, grow your song repertoire, … the 20% you need to do 80% of what you want. It’s the class that gives you the most amount of playing. [In contrast, Music Theory has most amount of homework and least amount of playing.] Each bootcamp is new and different from the previous offering. You can take this class as many times as you want. You are invited to requests songs you’d like to learn.

Fingerstyle Ukulele
Depending on the skill level and focus, fingerstyle ukulele courses have been given different names to reflect the content and skill level: Pick & Pluck, Tab & Pluck, Pluck & Play, Fingerpickin’ Good, Low G Ukes Unite! , Pluck & Strum, Fingerstyle Ukulele Showcase, and Riffs.
We start with reading and playing from tablature (tab or tabs) and focus on technique to produce quality tone. Topics: how to produce a good tone, how to read from a lead sheet and make a chord melody arrangement, pluck patterns for accompaniment, duet, ensemble playing. In the past, the following books have been used in this class:
- Jeff Peterson’s Graded Repertoire for Ukulele Classical
- Daniel Ward’s Arpeggio Meditations (high G ukulele)
- Daniel Ward & Heidi Swedbergs ‘Tis the Season for ‘Ukulele (low G ukulele)
- Anne Ku’s Fun with Uke Book (high G ukulele)
- Paul Mansell’s Classical Uke
- Paul Mansell’s 2kulele (ukulele duets)
Course Information
- Each class session is video recorded, the link and handouts distributed to class members within 24 hours. You may take the entire class at your ideal time and pace if you wish. The video link will remain active until the start of the next season.
- The course’s full schedule will be given at the first class session.
- Register for a course by completing the registration form. The tuition fee may be paid by Zelle, Venmo, Paypal, Amazon Gift Card, or Cash/Check. The Zoom link will be sent to you after fee payment.
- The course will be offered once minimum 6 register, or else gets postponed. If a course is cancelled, a student may register for another course at the original registration fee. See below for refund policy.
Read previous testimonials.
- Order the “Fun with Uke Book” $25 for the 80-page PDF.
- Order the “Fun with Uke Festive Edition” $15 for the spiral-bound copy; $60 for five copies; $110 for ten copies.
- New books (PDFs only): ukulele exercises fingerstyle chord melody $20; finger fitness for flexibility $20; common chord progressions $20. Two for $30. Three for $40.
- Order a book from Anne — or Anne’s own arrangements, exercises, and compilations.
- Order a ukulele from Anne
- Order Colleen McInerney’s new book “An A – Z Guide on Reinventing Yourself with Compassion and Zeal in the 21st Century” and get equivalent reduction in tuition. ($20 value)
- Order the “Zero Expectations” book and get equivalent reduction in tuition. ($10 value)
- Book physical exercise classes with Jen and get equivalent reduction in tuition up to $50 off
Classes with minimum enrolment of 6 will start as scheduled. Below that number, start dates will get postponed. Only registered students who have PAID will receive the Zoom information.
Unless specified otherwise, the tuition covers all instructional material for all class sessions, including bespoke exercises and arrangements (custom-created for the class), class video recordings, and homework. Certain classes require advance purchase of books.

Refund Policy
If the class gets cancelled, you will receive a full refund of what you paid via Venmo or Zelle or Cash. If paid through other means, only the tuition you’ve fully paid will be refunded (due to administrative costs charged by Paypal etc).
If you have to cancel, BEFORE the class commences, you can request for a refund by e-mail. You can choose to receive 1) a 50% monetary refund, 2) a full tuition refund in CREDIT towards future classes, or 3) donate into the SCHOLARSHIP FUND. Payment fees via Paypal will not be refunded.
If classes have already started, you can request for a REFUND of the unused portion in the form of partial CREDIT towards future classes. Again, you can also transfer the remainder to someone else or donate into the SCHOLARSHIP FUND.
Other options:
For any reason, you choose not to take the class you have registered for, you CAN request to switch to another class. You CAN give your paid enrollment to someone else (who can take the class you chose or switch to another offered). You CAN donate your tuition into the Scholarship Fund.
Workshops (one-off)
- Auld Lang Syne
- Fingerstyle Ukulele Pluck & Strum Session
- Fun with Uke & Wild Chocolate
- Moon Over the Ruined Castle (10/17/2024)
- Music Theory & Upcoming Courses
- Nutmeg Ukulele Festival 2024 (four workshops)
- Ode to Joy
- Pachelbel Project: Birthday Party, Medley, Canon for a Wedding
- Plaisir d’Amour: chord melody arrangement
- Songwriting & Composition
- Spooky & Scary Tune for Halloween
- Ukulele Taster Workshops: educate, engage, experience
- Ukulele Taster Workshops: spice it up with suspended chords
Music Courses (4 to 10 weeks)
- Chinese Mandarin with Song
- Chinese Songs with Ukulele
- Fingerstyle Ukulele Showcase
- in-person Ukulele Workshops
- Italian Voice Over Uke
- Learn Chinese Through Song
- Learn to Play Piano
- Music Theory for Songwriting
- Music Theory for Ukulele
- Music Theory: Harmony
- Music Theory: Melody
- Piano Accompaniment & Other Skills
- Piano Harmonisation
- Pluck & Play
- Pluck & Strum: authentic replication
- Sightreading – the art of reading music
- Songwriting Course
- Stand Up Ukulele
- Tab & Pluck
- Ukulele Accompaniment Course in Zoom
- Ukulele Bootcamp
- Ukulele Bootcamp Series
- Ukulele Crash Course for Complete Beginners
- Ukulele Riffs & More
- Ukulele Strum Workshop
- Voice Over Uke (formerly, Hum & Strum)