What is it like to take a music class with Anne Ku? As these classes are online and interactive (though Zoom) and recorded for review and practice, you can take them from anywhere in the world. The parentheses indicate location: UK (United Kingdom), IT (Italy), BC (British Columbia), or US State such as HI (Hawaii), MA (Massachusetts).
Last updated: 9th July 2023

I can now sightread! Although I’m a musician, when I started the course, I could not sight read at all and I found it difficult to read standard music notation. By the end of it I was comfortable playing from sheet music that I had not seen before (depending on the difficulty of the piece of music, of course). I also improved my note-reading, my piano technique, and I learned some great exercises to develop my ability to play the piano, which significantly improved by the end of the course. -A musician from the Boston area
One of the things I like about this class is that Anne demonstrates what we have questions about and makes piano fun to learn. I would highly recommend this class for anyone who is interested in piano.
Ukulele Riffs & More!
This was an excellent course that helped the learner to play the riffs in famous pieces. It involved fingerstyle and chord melody, which I personally wanted to learn. It also made room for master-class style instruction as well as for group playing. I learned a lot!
The instructor creates helpful exercises for training in tab reading as well as how to produce varied sounds on the strings that I really had not quite known before. Focusing in on a few select examples of riffs and runs on the ukulele definitely supported my skill development and equipped me to strengthen the use of more than just my thumb in plucking individual notes which had become my default way of playing notes. I am now more situated to get more out of my individual practice on the instrument. Being in a class with others was so much more productive on my own and the instructor was very responsive to the needs of the group. Very informative and enjoyable!
Fingerstyle Ukulele Showcase
Anne has developed another exciting course in Ukulele Fingerstyle Showcase. This class introduces the student to new music, so it’s on the cutting edge of a whole new repertoire. Anne paces her classes to the students, trying to never leave anyone behind, but also gently pushing everyone forward. If you know basic chords and have some fingerstyle experience, take this class. It’s really fun! – Ginger, Boston area, MA, US
This was an excellent introduction to contemporary musicians who are composing finger style pieces specifically for the ukulele. The featured pieces provided the means for applying basic music theory to interpret each score, and to develop efficient use of both the left and right hands. I am well on my way towards adding six beautiful pieces to my personal repertoire, and I look forward to exploring additional pieces by each of the featured composers. – Rita Stevens
This course was such a creative twist on chord melody learning. It was a blast to learn pieces by contemporary ukulele gurus, and so inspiring to know how dedicated they are to the instrument. I give Anne a lot of credit for researching these arrangements and reaching out to the composers. It was real community building!
Piano II (piano harmonization)
This was done with learning chords in different keys, applying to melodies. The material provided and Anne instruction were good in trying to developed your skills at the piano playing with the right fingers and improve fingers dexterity. We reviewed mayor scales, cadences, pieces as “Time of Inception” and ended with Pachelbel Canon in C ( Arr. by Anne) Every time I finish a course, I feel I learned something new, but this is a learning process that require practice and dedication. Thank Anne for guiding me through this journey. Excellent course.
Italian Voice Over Uke
A good way to start learning foreign languages, to which there is no end!
Excellent course for learning to sign in Italian, improved your accuracy in tune, lyrics, time, and learn a new language. In this course we learn songs from Italy in a range from military, love, sadness and simple opera, signing with a good pronunciation. Preparation of material was directed to our understanding, improving and phonetically learning each words and tunes at the same time. All of this was accomplish by the wonderful guides of Anne and Bruce with their magical touch, make to appear easy. Beside the personal instruction, the extra material provided, amplified your curiosity about other aspects of performance. I highly recommend this course if you want exposure to this beautiful language with a very expert teachers and have fun at the same time.
Introduction to Music Theory
This class provided a sound introduction into music theory. It is not an easy class – you need to attempt the homework – but it was enjoyable. The teacher was patient and accommodating and my classmates were dedicated to learning the material while having a bit a fun. I recommend this class. – Adult learner with very limited previous music theory training – Burlington, MA
Beatles for Ukulele (authentic replication with pluck, strum, riffs)
Coming as close as I can to sound like the Beatles was a delightful way to improve my strumming, picking, and reading.
– Kathie (HI)
Everyone “knows” Beatles songs, but here you learn how to play them in the most authentic manner complete with intros, outros and iconic riffs. A deep dive into some of the greatest popular songs of the last 60 years. Highly recommended.
– Richard, a retired attorney and ukulele enthusiast (WA)
Beatles 2 Pluck Strum Riffs class was fun, interesting, and challenging. Anne and the class group chose 6 Beatles songs to study and learn to play during the 8 week class. Anne is an excellent teacher, friendly and patient, always prepared. Lots of handouts for study and practice, and extra bonus of each class recorded for review later. Highly recommended.
– Steve H. (MA)
Anne’s “fab” BEATLES II class was as educational as it was fun. You get to participate in choosing the Beatles songs to study, then take a deep dive into learning, playing and performing one of them each week. I always appreciate Anne’s preparedness and follow-up with course materials. She has a wonderful teaching style that engages students of all levels. It truly is a gift to myself to take these classes and to be a part of the wonderful uke community that Anne has created.
– Ginny, owner Imagine Art and Music (NJ)
Chinese Songs for Ukulele
One of the best ways to learn about a culture is through its music. This fascinating course introduces you to the very rich culture of China by giving you an opportunity to learn its very beautiful music from its nursery rhymes through its pop tunes. You are guided through various complexities of the language in a very accessible and supportive manner. In addition, you learn how to say and write your name in Chinese! I highly recommend this excellent program.
– Andi (PA)
Some Chinese songs are translations of Western songs. Some are traditional folksongs. Some are current Pop Songs. We sampled all these, and more. Not only did we learn to speak fluent Chinese Mandarin, we also learned to sing in Chinese and play several different Chinese songs.
– Steve (CA)
As a retired person with plenty of spare time, I enjoy the challenge of learning something new.
– Henry (UK)
Anne is totally a dedicated, great instructor. She is knowledgeable, very patient and understands how to use different modalities and suggestions to help students learn how to play without feeling intimidated. She is supportive, creative and fun. She has the BEST interest in each of her students. She will help you decide which course you should take or start if you are not certain. Take any of her classes. You WON’T REGRET !!
– Yvonne (VA)
Classical Ukulele (low G)
A wonderful course to introduce one to the use of the ukulele for classical pieces.
– Errol (BC)
Anne is such a great teacher. She has the ability to take a piece of music that initially looks daunting and break it down so that you both understand the music, and learn to play it. She is endlessly enthusiastic and encouraging. It’s like having your own private mentor, cheerleader, and coach in a group setting.
– Ginger (MA)
Tab & Pluck (fingerstyle ukulele)
Anne is a patient and enthusiastic instructor.
– Cheryl (CT)
I really enjoyed this class and found it helpful for all of my playing
– Kit (NM)
Voice Over Uke (focus on the voice)
What Anne and Bruce teach in this class is something I will be able to use for a long time. Because of this class, I have a desire to learn more. I like that we are are given constructive feedback to the songs we sing on the last day of this class. For anyone thinking about taking this class I’d say you won’t regret it. It’ll probably be the best decision you’ll ever make.
– Debbie (HI)
If you’re one of those people who learned to play uke so you could sing more, this course will delight you. You will learn strategies for identifying and working with your voice range and receive personal coaching and feedback every class. Love a song, but think you’ll never be able to sing it? – take this course and find out that, yes, you can!
This was a very valuable class for me and the participants. Most of them I know from Anne’s “3 Chord Thursday @ 3” meetups. I was so impressed with the improvement of shy, soft-singing classmates. Their confidence, and competence, during the final performances was amazing. Congratulations, Anne and Bruce.
I didn’t know quite what to expect when I signed up for Voice Over Uke. I tend to lose interest and leave midway through online classes (for which I’ve paid) because I find there’s no real interaction between the teacher and the student — you’re left to read or go through lessons in a very dry and boring way. However, this class was amazing! There is a lot of interaction over zoom — Anne takes time to explain and demonstrate and answer questions. And the breakout sessions allow one-to-one interaction with Bruce who hears how you sing and offers immediate tips and support.
The schedule of this course was a mismatch for me so I audited it. I received the video of each class within 3 to 24 hours of the in person class and worked through that on my own. I met one on one with the voice instructor at an agreed time; he was generous with his advice and time. Auditing was a great solution for me.
Intro Music Theory
The Beginning Music Theory class was just what I needed as a beginning piano student to help build understanding of music.
I loved Annes upbeat and enthusiastic teaching style. She also has a way of making each student feel at ease and really wants to help each student.
Music Theory: Harmony
After years of trying, finally understand the Circle of Fifths!
– Susan (MD)
Music Theory (applied): Beatles
This course was great opportunity to deconstruct the music of the Beatles to see what it’s made of. Why was it so popular and infectious? We learned alot of techniques which not only instilled a new appreciation for the Beatles, but also enhanced our own songwriting bag of tricks.
– Steve (CA)
This class provides an excellent opportunity to apply the lessons learned in previous music theory classes to analysis of popular songs. Several new concepts are introduced, including modal music and modulation. Highly recommended for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge of music theory.
– Stephen & Patricia (MA)
This class overcame my fear of playing piano after not playing for almost 50 years. Anne is very affirming in her approach.
– Susan (MA)
This second course in piano improve my confidence in reading music and playing the piano with two hands. The material presented and teacher explanation allowed these improvement. Anne make learning a lot of fun, at the same time you could measure your progress.
– Amanda (MA)
If you would like to get a flavour of what learning to play the piano requires I recommend you take Anne’s piano class. It has already helped me acquire the rudimentary skills required to play: I know where the fingers go, the correct position for them and the correct posture at the piano; how to read the notes on the staves and relate them to the correct keys on the piano, how to practice correctly and how to make chords. In this way I have already been able to sing and play ‘Perfect’ by Ed Sheeran to my satisfaction as well as a few simple classical pieces. This after only 8 weeks. Great!
– Tony (UK)
This piano course is a good way to continue your piano journey. Anne will give you excellent input about your playing and you will also be able to interact with others about the lessons.
– Barbara (MA)
I enjoy the Thursday Noon Piano class because the music pieces Anne selects help me to identify skills in need of improvement. She provides personalized constructive feedback and helps all of the students work on their respective issues in a supportive manner. I have definitely noticed improvement in my piano skills since taking her classes and look forward to continuing with her classes.
– Retired nurse (MA)

Testimonials (from Autumn 2021 classes)
Classical Ukulele (low G): Take this class if you love fingerpicking and classical music. You will learn unexpected techniques and interpretations from both Anne and also from the interaction with your fellow students.
Classical Ukulele (high G): I really enjoyed taking this class. It was fun being with other and learning in a Group environment. I enjoyed the pieces we learned and Anne gave us the opportunity to play along and also with each other.
Classical Ukulele (high G): Ann is a very intuitive teacher, good listener and pay attention to the individual need of every students. She is a good communicator and simplified the material in a way that make easy and enjoyable to learn the ukulele. You will improve dexterity of your fingers and play beautiful music at the end of this course.
Beginning Piano: Excellent course for introduction to the piano. The teacher is very creative in presenting the instrument, material and exercises that familiarize you with the piano and play music at the end of this course.
Beatles I: pluck, strum, riffs. Anne is a wonderful teacher. Her Beatles class gave us a detailed roadmap for performing one song per session and enough written and video references to assist our practice between sessions. I also appreciated the opportunity to collaborate with my classmates. I’m looking forward to Beatles 2. Richard, Retired lawyer, Seattle.
Beatles I: pluck, strum, riffs. This was my 8th or 9th class with Anne (I’ve lost count!). The written materials she prepared for each class get better and better, and along with the videos, allow me to repeat the class at my leisure. Playing the ukulele with Anne has gotten me through the pandemic! Laura, happily retired in Maine.
About Anne’s classes in Zoom (online, interactive)
Anne”s music classes have a great deal of depth to them. You may think you are taking a ukulele class but you will be surprised by her incidental teaching of culture, theory, songs, and respect of and for each other. You come out at the end of your class thinking, “Wow, I need to work on”….., “I didn’t know, I guess I’ll have to learn more about”….etc. Totally a fun experience and can hardly wait to see her next inspiration….
Studying ukulele with Anne Ku becomes a full lifestyle experience. She encourages her students to expand our repertoires and musical styles. During 15 months of Covid lockdown, I wrote parodies for Anne’s Songs in the Time of Corona meetups, which led to my joining her Boot Camp, followed by classes for better strumming, fingerpicking, music theory, as well as Riffs & Licks. I now have an ukulele practice routine, an international practice group, and even a personal trainer who leads workouts for ukulele players.
Anne’s classes combine skill development with interesting musical selections. Over the past year taking her classes, both my enjoyment and abilities playing my ukulele have grown enormously. In addition I have made many new friends as part of- the community Anne has created through her diverse class offerings and jam opportunities. Whatever level you are at, there is a course available that will make you a better ukulele player or performer.
— Beth Abelow, Boston MA
Over the years I have had several talented music teachers, most were gifted performers, but often unable to decode the magic of their music and break what they do into simple steps, techniques to be applied for the rest of one’s musical life. Working in person, of course it is much easier for a mentor to adjust your posture or the position of your arm; but more importantly they can look you in the eye, and praise or scold you with an eyebrow, inflect your playing with the tilt of the head.
I knew all of them in person until a year ago when the world changed. Our way of making music had to change too, our way of interacting; that was when I “met” Anne Ku, the only one of my esteemed teachers I have never met in person.
Anne not only adapted quickly to teaching in a virtual world, she discovered innovative ways to employ Zoom without a hitch. Already an experienced university music professor, Dr. Ku has single-handedly designed a complete ukulele program of interactive study, of specific and do-able exercises, a wealth of material that is also accessible to those not proficient in reading music, including tons of videos. And yet remains friendly and encouraging even with slower students, tailoring her assistance to their needs and level.
I was still a beginner on the ukulele in March of last year, and am convinced that the ukulele saved my sanity, if not my life. Living in Italy, the first western country to see great tragedy from the pandemic, lockdown was severe: no leaving the house except for food or medicine for the first two months. No visiting friends or family under any circumstances.
A community has formed around Anne’s paid courses, with a series of open free zoom ukulele meet-ups and activities. In spite of her very rational nature, Anne inspires passion in her students for the instrument and playing it, exploring the very nature of music. Each semester she pulls exciting new courses out of her hat [Music Theory for Ukulele, Hum & Strum, etc.]; her boundless energy spawns several new songsheets every week and a dozen pages of helpful tips on how to play better for each course.
I heartily recommend enrolling in one of her courses, I attended two at a time plus two of her weekly play-alongs; I couldn’t get enough. And as we get back to “normal,” the ukulele will still be a cherished part of my day!
— Bruce Boreham, Venice, Italy (March 2021)
Performance Series: Memorization
This was an excellent class. It offered many “tricks” to help a person memorize a song and be more comfortable performing without music.
Group Piano Class in Zoom
Anne’s piano class will get you practicing and enjoying playing the piano. She has great songs, exercises and techniques. You will get valuable input about your individual piano playing. I highly recommend Anne’s piano class. I feel I have advanced my piano skills even in just seven weeks. — Barbara
The piano course is for students with some beginner level piano skills. Instructor demonstrations and critique of students playing songs provides an opportunity to improve existing skills and learn new skills. — Carla R
Ukulele Bootcamp
Ukulele Bootcamp was the 5th or 6th class that I’ve taken with Anne. If there are holes in your ukulele knowledge, this class will catch them. A good amount of time was spent learning about your singing voice as it relates to a song. It is a great class with inspiring lessons and performances, along with fun group interaction. Anne always follows up immediately with class notes and videos which is so helpful. I highly recommend.
– Ginny Smith, Owner, Imagine Art and Music
Bootcamp (or its progeny, if no longer named this) is good for a general expansion of ukulele playing. It’s beyond basic chords, but covers a little of all the other “special” classes. You’ll understand more about relationships within keys, more about strums, more about picking, more about performing. It’s like the sunflower course, expanding from the center. – Data scientist, Boston, MA USA
I highly recommend this class. I’ve taken it twice, and it was different each time. The focus is mostly on strumming, but you learn different patterns, challenging songs, and a little music theory. A great overview for beginners and advanced beginners. Anne is a patient teacher who is nimble enough to adjust the materials and pace to suit her students.
This is the course to move you beyond beginning ukulele. Anne has the chops and communicates the “How To” in an engaging and very easy-to-grasp manner. It really helped me understand new concepts and learn skills that I may have missed earlier. It made me a better ukulele player. I am so glad I took this course.
Music Theory (online)
Anne is a knowledgeable and passionate teacher who brings her own brand of fire to each and every class. I took both Beginning Music Theory and Harmony with her because I have never played an instrument nor learned to read music. As an adult learner, I needed to get a broader view of musical language than I expected to get from instrument lessons. Anne’s ukulele was a complete surprise, and even more surprising, I now own and actually play one (well…I CAN play some chords). If you’ve never played nor had college level instruction in an instrument, I strongly encourage you to take classes with Anne and punch through the wall of “music appreciation”. – Stuart Gedal, longtime Manager and Corporate Trainer
Anne provides accurate and detailed instruction while keeping it lively, fresh and entertaining… all on Zoom! Her classes are a destination vacation for musical education. From a classically trained musician comes such a fun program! – Steve Creagh Santa Cruz, CA
I thoroughly enjoyed Anne’s Music Theory Harmony course. Anne is a wonderful teacher. Her classes are very interactive. The course has increased my knowledge and understanding of the “why’s” of music. I look forward to continuing to take additional courses with Anne. — Carla R. 5/15/2021
Excellent course for learning the theory of building chords, interrelation of mayors/minors chord, uses of progression of them to accompany songs all through the use of The Circle of Fifth. Teacher is wonderful, knowledgeable, makes learning a lot of fun.
Having taken Anne’s Music theory harmony course I feel it has laid the foundations for the future and I can build upon the knowledge that I have learnt.
Classical Ukulele
I had been working with “chord-melody” and although I found “picking” (playing one note at a time) more difficult than chords (many strings at a time) I decided to take the “Classical Ukulele” class.
I’ve always loved classical music, and played piano for many years.
Also I had been to many of Anne’s Three-chord Thursday meetings and thought she was a terrific teacher.
It was the perfect fit: classical music, ukulele and Anne Ku.
The class has not been easy, but with a little bit of self-discipline I know I’ve been making progress.
I’m 76 years old so I must take into account that learning is slower than when I was young. However, now that I’m retired I have more free time, so as long as I put in the time, my results have been heartening.
It’s wonderful to have goals. The satisfaction from playing Bach’s Minuet in G cannot be calculated. And Malagueña! Who ever thought this could be played on a ukulele!!
Anne is a dedicated teacher. She ever wrote a piece for us! (Based on a classical composer’s study.)
I highly recommend this class but only if you are willing to study.
— Eve Myles, Texas
Fingerstyle Ukulele
The Online Pluck class via Zoom was great! We had the opportunity to learn many things relating to Fingerstyle Ukulele; exercises, techniques, and songs! Anne works very hard to enrich her classes to reach a lot of different folks across the world! The recordings have been very helpful as well!!! I never came away without having new tidbits to work on for the next week’s class!
TAB and PLUCK was the perfect class for me as I had only been playing chords in my practice of a few years and mostly avoided tablature and plucking patterns. As a “hobby musician” I greatly appreciate and benefit from Anne’s depth of knowledge and classical training. She helps infuse beautiful riffs and secret chord structures that make you feel like you CAN really make beautiful music. If you start learning ukulele with her, you will avoid getting in to bad habits with your hand placement and you won’t get into the chord rut that I did. She helps you add that flair (melody). She is the greatest teacher. So knowledgeable, yet so fun and supportive of all abilities. I highly recommend any class with her. I will be taking more. ~ Ginny Smith, Owner Imagine Art and Music, Wharton, NJ
Ukulele: Hum & Strum
Hum & Strum was a unique experience for me – even as a long time ukulele player. It gave a me better understanding of singing techniques and strumming techniques and their combination. Bruce was our voice coach and he identified my personal issues in our private breakout session. His “one on one” coaching was extraordinary for improving and building singing confidence. At the end of the course, everyone showed improvement and helped to build a supportive and fun camaraderie.
— Harvey L., Boston, Massachusetts
Anne is a seasoned and skilled music teacher and uses the medium of Zoom well to provide expert and inspiring ukulele tuition. The ‘Hum & Strum’ course, ably assisted by experienced vocal coach Bruce, aims to explain how to fit your voice to songs, casting into different keys if necessary, and explores many aspects of strumming that will improve your uke playing and help you up to a new level. Heartily recommended and a lot of fun. And as if that wasn’t enough, you’ll get to meet and work with a small bunch of lovely people from different parts of the world (and maybe even make a new permanent friend or two!).
— Neil J., United Kingdom
Hum & Strum is a class with a lot of heart. Bruce made practical singing suggestions tailored to each student, while Anne gave specific suggestions of how to zhuzh up each of the songs with chord progressions, tablature, riffs and more complicated strum patterns. The class provided a safe, smart space to come to grips with the complexity of singing and playing simultaneously. Delightful practice sessions organized by participants helped with cementing those concepts. All in all, delightful ukulele good times to soothe the soul as we make our way through these peculiar times.
— Nancy A., Arlington, Massachusetts
Anne’s Hum and Strum class has stretched my knowledge of music and has been very beneficial in helping me to build up my confidence, finding my voice, and transposing music to fit my vocal range. Currently, I am taking a second-course with Anne, Music harmony theory, music has so many moods it can make you feel good I can make you feel sad, that is the Alchemy of music.
— Henry Potter, United Kingdom
About Anne’s in-person classes
“Anne Ku’s made learning the ukulele fun, interesting, and contagious. I want to improve my technique and help others learn too! She made it so easy to learn and practice without the deep music theory.”
“This was my third Uke class, and the best. Instructor was genuine, knowledgeable, and “made an effort” for everyone, not just the more advanced students.”
“The ukulele is like a blue-tooth speaker for the soul! It has the ability to transform your mood from somber and sullen to perky and playful with the flick of your wrist! Take a course from Anne today and help spread the world’s newest and swingingest religion: uke-a-lism!”
“I entered the course knowing practically nothing about how to play ukulele and after completing 8 classes, I feel fearless and armed with skill and passion for the instrument.”
“Anne is enthusiastic, incredibly knowledgeable and very welcoming and inclusive. She pushes students to go beyond their current skill level and become better musicians while having fun and enjoying the camaraderie of a shared musical experience.”
“This course was convenient and very accessible in terms of price and location. Instructor very knowledgeable. I need more individual instruction.”
“Anne Ku’s Beginner Workshop Course was fantastic. I did not have a musical background, nor had ever play the Uke. She has provided me a solid foundation from which to grow. The follow up videos and materials are very helpful for me to practice.”
“Anne’s ukulele class was terrific. As a retiree with no musical background Anne made each class easy to follow. Anne has such upbeat enthusiasm in class that you can’t help but be motivated and inspired. I’m so glad I signed up and plan on following her lessons and videos.”
“Anne Ku’s strumming workshop focused on an oft-neglected but essential part of playing the ukulele. She demystified the process by breaking down (and slowing down!) each strumming pattern and having us practice it repeatedly. She also applied each strum to a specific song or songs so we were able to immediately apply our new skills. Later she sent us a handout containing all the strumming patterns so we could reinforce the techniques at home. Best of all, Anne is a friendly and relaxed teacher who treats her students, even the rankest beginners, like musical colleagues. I can’t wait to take her follow-up workshop.”
“A carefully thought-out session, covering the essential ground and presented by someone who is clearly passionate about music. It was nicely tailored to the needs of the participants. Very useful, and exactly what I wanted. It was a thoroughly enjoyable session. I would happily sign up for another one.”
“This is the class that you never knew you needed. But when you’ve done it, you’ll realize you should have done it years ago.”
“The handout is excellent, and the class was both informative and fun.”
“In this excellent, intense session, Dr Ku transformed scared people lost with a piece of wood in their hands into confident and happy ukulele players, keen to practice their acquired knowledge.”